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    Artist description
    OnceOver is a musical masterpiece, a proverbial sheet of staff paper being continuously added to. The musical composition and diversity of its five members is enough to boggle the mind. OnceOver will dominate the listener’s musical comprehension not only with awesome song writing and technique, but with heart felt, tear jerking, raw emotion that stems from modern metal and rock music! "We all have the ability to play multiple instruments, I play guitar and sing, Paul plays bass guitar and Viola, Nate plays bass and drums, Nick plays guitar, Dave plays bass, and bag pipes, flute." says Steve the drummer. "This allows us to really step into a different dimension of song writing and really opens us to all kinds of possibilities!" replies Nate Periat the group’s guitarist. This is exactly the feeling you get when you listen to the music that OnceOver creates. It is a diverse bombardment of sounds that take you on a journey into the very core of its members. Viola, electronic inducements of sound, eerie atmospheric ambience, flute, acoustic guitars and lush harmonies layer throughout their full length self titled album OnceOver. There is no limitation to these very skilled musicians. Their career as a band starts in early 2001 with the abandonment of an old project involving four of the founding members of OnceOver. This also was followed by a swapping of positions in the band. Steve the vocalist went behind the drum kit, Dave stood up and grabbed a microphone, Paul grabbed guitar, and Nick took over bass. This was OnceOver incarnate and the beginning of what OnceOver is today. The band released an EP with the original four members as a promotional give away. This helped to create OnceOver's fan base and news of the electrifying bands first unofficial release spread like wildfire. They were quickly heralded as Toledo's best new Talent by the Glass Eye music magazine 2001. Little did the band know that two years later they would be featured on the cover! OnceOver picked up guitarist Nate Periat in 2002 after realizing they needed to evolve more with their already expansive array of musical influence. Nate oddly enough came from a back ground of playing multiple instruments and a 6 year career of playing drums in a former band. "Nate brings the wonderful ability to write some of the most unethical riffs" says Steve. "Nate came along at just the right time, we really opened up musically as a band when he joined" says the singer Dave Ailing. After Nate’s induction to the band the line up was complete and OnceOver finished writing their debut self titled album. The album "OnceOver" is the foundation of the bands current sound. It truly speaks for itself. After a staggering 6 weeks of having song "Fragile Circles" at number three on MP3.coms' New Metal charts, the band enjoyed a new found popularity. They have thousands of downloads from around the world, and have since sold hundreds of records. OnceOver then decided it was time to take their music to the next level and release a documentary music video which would feature their single "Loosing Faith" and "Pink"! This would also include a brand new 3 song promotional EP released simultaneously! As the band develops further, new material pours from the five some everyday! They have booked a summer 2003 tour entitled “The Long for Summer Tour" in support of their newest single "Long for Summer". This tour will also be sponsored by the clothing company NOOMOON out of California in which the band is endorsed by. With an arsenal of melodic and heavy songs and the band hopes to rock crowds all over the east coast!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Our musical influences include: Sevendust, Incubus, Soulfly, Mudvayne, KoRn, Deftones, Tool
    Similar Artists
    Sevendust, Incubus, Mudvayne, KoRn, ,Tool,
    Artist History
    OnceOver is a musical masterpiece, a proverbial sheet of staff paper being continuously added to. The musical composition and diversity of its five members is enough to boggle the mind. OnceOver will dominate the listener’s musical comprehension not only with awesome song writing and technique, but with heart felt, tear jerking, raw emotion that stems from modern metal and rock music! "We all have the ability to play multiple instruments, I play guitar and sing, Paul plays bass guitar and Viola, Nate plays bass and drums, Nick plays guitar, Dave plays bass, and bag pipes, flute." says Steve the drummer. "This allows us to really step into a different dimension of song writing and really opens us to all kinds of possibilities!" replies Nate Periat the group’s guitarist. This is exactly the feeling you get when you listen to the music that OnceOver creates. It is a diverse bombardment of sounds that take you on a journey into the very core of its members. Viola, electronic inducements of sound, eerie atmospheric ambience, flute, acoustic guitars and lush harmonies layer throughout their full length self titled album OnceOver. There is no limitation to these very skilled musicians. Their career as a band starts in early 2001 with the abandonment of an old project involving four of the founding members of OnceOver. This also was followed by a swapping of positions in the band. Steve the vocalist went behind the drum kit, Dave stood up and grabbed a microphone, Paul grabbed guitar, and Nick took over bass. This was OnceOver incarnate and the beginning of what OnceOver is today. The band released an EP with the original four members as a promotional give away. This helped to create OnceOver's fan base and news of the electrifying bands first unofficial release spread like wildfire. They were quickly heralded as Toledo's best new Talent by the Glass Eye music magazine 2001. Little did the band know that two years later they would be featured on the cover! OnceOver picked up guitarist Nate Periat in 2002 after realizing they needed to evolve more with their already expansive array of musical influence. Nate oddly enough came from a back ground of playing multiple instruments and a 6 year career of playing drums in a former band. "Nate brings the wonderful ability to write some of the most unethical riffs" says Steve. "Nate came along at just the right time, we really opened up musically as a band when he joined" says the singer Dave Ailing. After Nate’s induction to the band the line up was complete and OnceOver finished writing their debut self titled album. The album "OnceOver" is the foundation of the bands current sound. It truly speaks for itself. After a staggering 6 weeks of having song "Fragile Circles" at number three on MP3.coms' New Metal charts, the band enjoyed a new found popularity. They have thousands of downloads from around the world, and have since sold hundreds of records. OnceOver then decided it was time to take their music to the next level and release a documentary music video which would feature their single "Loosing Faith" and "Pink"! This would also include a brand new 3 song promotional EP released simultaneously! As the band develops further, new material pours from the five some everyday! They have booked a summer 2003 tour entitled “The Long for Summer Tour" in support of their newest single "Long for Summer". This tour will also be sponsored by the clothing company NOOMOON out of California in which the band is endorsed by. With an arsenal of melodic and heavy songs and the band hopes to rock crowds all over the east coast!
    Guitar, Drums, Vocals, Bass, Viola, Samples
    Press Reviews
    "They showed alot of maturity in song writing and had alot of energy on stage-if you didn't see em', catch them next time" jeff streeter- the glass eye "Most impressive new band out of toledo"- the glass eye "band of the month"- moshingworldorder (
    Toledo, Ohio - USA

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