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    Artist description
    Lil' AD writes and records songs that you can get into and really feel. I (Lil' AD) work with one of the best producers in the midwest, myself. All the beats used in my songs I created under the alias "All Dangerous" and can be found over at
    Music Style
    Hip-Hop... Songs you can get into and songs that you can really feel.
    Musical Influences
    Tupac Shakur is my biggest musical influence, however, the support of my friends and family are also a large influence.
    Similar Artists
    I sound like me, that's really all I can say...
    Artist History
    My music career started in the summer of 2000 when I was at Rako's house. He had a program for his computer which he used to make music for his movies. It was called ACID Music 2.0. I got on his computer and started playing around with the program. I'm a quick study, so it didn't take me long before I got a general idea of how to use the program. 10 hours later, I had finished my first beat. It was nothing special, but it was my first beat and I felt proud that I had made a beat. I've always loved music more than a little and I've always wanted to be a producer and a rapper/singer. Rapping and singing I now do just for fun really because I found my true passion and talent in producing beats. So, these days I produce my beats and record a rap or two every now and then. I also work with alot of other artists (rappers/singers)... That's my story, great huh?
    Group Members
    Lil' AD a.k.a. All Dangerous with the occasional collab with other rappers/singers.
    Keyboard, Mixer, Microphones, Computer, SB Audigy Platinum Sound Card
    Stillwater, Minnesota - USA

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