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    Artist description
    4 man band just interested in playing rock music.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Pearl Jam, Eric Clapton, The Who, Led Zeppelin
    Artist History
    Formed in 1996, the original line up consisted of Michael Margle on drums and vocals, Joe McGranaghan on rhythm guitar, Joe Chait on lead guitar, and Matt Carlini on bass. The band, at the time, was not very talented or serious. After only a few jams Chait and Carlini quit the band leaving McGranaghan and Margle to look for a new lead guitarist and bass player. And after Margle decided he couldn't sing and play drums the band needed a new lead vocalist. Still not very serious about the future of the band McGranaghan and Margle decided to pick up two classmates from school, Jordan Pyda and Daniel Hennessey. Pyda was cast to sing and play a little rhythm guitar. Hennessey would play the bass, which left McGranaghan to take over lead guitar, and Margle to play drums. The band then started playing a few cover songs, influenced mainly by Pearl Jam and Nirvana. It wasn't until 1998 that the band started to get serious. McGranaghan and Margle began to jam with another musician, Patrick Stone. Stone played a lead style guitar, and brought new musical influences. The actual band nearly stopped getting together while McGranaghan, Margle and Stone started getting together more and more. It was during these three man jams that the three began to write original songs. Also during these three man jams McGranaghan started doing some vocals. Soon the band decided to lose Pyda and pick up Stone, which made the lineup McGranaghan on rhythm guitar and lead vocals, Stone on lead guitar, Hennessey on bass, and Margle on drums. With this lineup the band began to play some covers while still experimenting with some originals. The last change was made at the beginning of 1999 when Hennessey quit the band leaving an opening for a bass player. The three remaining members spent almost two months looking for a replacement. McGranaghan then suggested a friend from school, named Brent Mooreland, who could play bass guitar. After a few jam sessions, Mooreland became the fourth member of the band. Ordinary Fools, as the band has been temporarily named, is currently working on a demo tape and looking for gigs. The band plays many covers from influences including Cream (Clapton), Led Zepplin, Credence Clearwater Revival, Pearl Jam, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Jars of Clay, and others. Ordinary Fools has also continued to work on originals. For more information about the band or to request a demo tape you can contact Joe McGranaghan via e-mail at
    Group Members
    Joe McGranaghan - Vocals, Rythm Guitar; Patrick Stone - Lead Guitar; Brent Mooreland- Bass Guitar; Michael Margle - Drums
    Knoxville, TN - USA

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