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    Artist description
    Tearing up stages and whippin’ up mosh pits all over New England, Enemy Within has really crashed the hardcore scene in the short months since its formation. The foursome combines talent-laden guitar riffs with edgy vocals and emotion-bending drum and bass tones to produce a sound that borrows from many musical genres while creating something new and real. Not to mention the thought-provoking lyrics that deal with the hard issues of life and faith. All this combined with an electrically charged stage show is what has hometown fans in Bangor, Maine and others across New England turning out for show after show and spreading the word about EW. Enemy Within, like its music, is an evolving entity. It began as a group known as Waste of Space in early 2000. The singer ,Jason, is the only current member who was part of that original group. When the drummer, Brian, and lead guitarist Nate L. joined in Spring 2000, Waste of Space was transformed into Enemy Within. The band would go through two bass players before finding Nate D. in the Spring of 2001. Since then Enemy Within has opened for national acts including Solid State Recording Artists Luti-kriss and ZAO, and Now or Never Rocording Artist Diecast, and has played shows with over 40 local and regional bands. In September 2001, Enemy Within went into the studio to record a 4 song EP. The release fulfills the band’s twofold mission to share a lyrical message that is reflective of the members’ relationships to God, through Jesus Christ, by his Holy Spirit, and to create music that allows no one to stand still. Fifty3 landed in hometown fans’ hands in November and has been receiving rave reviews. “Your new CD is awesome, not only musically but the lyrics are rad too. . . .” “hey guys, that CD is sooooooo awesome! The recording is very good quality and I like the vocal effects. Everything sounds awesome!” “Hey guys, just got the cd today . . . haven’t stopped listening to it for like 3 hours, i love it so much. . . .” As more people hear the release and the band plays more venues in other New England states, the phenom that is Enemy Within will continue to grow and more and more people will appreciate the music and the lyrics for the energetic, clean, genuine moshcore it is.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Project 86, POD, Korn, Pantera, Rage Against the Machine
    Similar Artists
    Project 86
    Group Members
    Nathan Lambert Jason Raymond Brian Keezer Nate Dorman
    guitar, vocals, drums, and bass
    Bangor, ME - USA

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