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    Artist description
    Metal band straight out of Cincinnati. 4 members that are very young and talented. Look for Fusion in the future.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Slipknot, Unearth, Poison the Well, Hatebreed
    Similar Artists
    Slipknot, Unearth, Poison the Well, Hatebreed
    Artist History
    Fusion started in the winter of 2000 in West Chester, Ohio. The former bassist, Walt, knew Andrew and Ryan from hockey. Giev and Walt were looking for some people to play with so Walt suggested they go over and jam and see what comes out. The first day they practiced was the day Breathe In was created, although changed many times afterwards. After a while of writing a few songs, they realized it was time for a singer. After trying a few different things, they came across Quintin Seiter who was running a band challenge at Moeller High School. One day Quintin didn't make it to practice so Ryan went ahead and tried to sing and it sounded amazing. We told Quintin that we thought Ryan fit the position we wanted better and then went from there. After a long period of shows and writing and gaining some fan response, they needed a new bassist because of problems with Walt. That's where Josh Dumbford comes in. They found him and he became their bassist for about a month until certain things came up and he was forced to leave. Once again, Walt is back and is now their current bassist. Fusion is trying to get big locally and even further. They are selling their 5 song CD as of now and are getting the CD to record companies around the United States.
    Group Members
    Giev Fowler-14-Electric Guitar Ryan Bick-16-Throat and Samples Andrew Chaney-15-Drums Cody Meyer-16-Bass Guitar
    Guitar, Drums, Throat, Bass
    Latency EP
    Cincinnati, Ohio - USA

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