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    Artist description
    Artist self-description: Swarty ne'er-do-well, self proclaimed paste eater (only organic), runs with scissors frequently, scratches with little regard for propriety, smelly, but fun. allergic to C&W. Loves animals, especially on toast. Enjoys the smell of burning cover tunes. Thinks Entropy is a real turnoff.Plays hopscotch with the local iconoclasts. Rarely sleeps. DJAngstforless works with an amalgam of various styles and rhythms to produce his own unique sound. Using Dub as his vocabulary he creates stories often intended to be both humorous, and thought provoking. Sometimes the message is subtle while his favorite ploy is the double entendre. He is currently in the studio producing tracks for two CD's this song is a sample of some of his most current work. Please contact the artist if you like what you hear and keep checking back because we think he's just full of surprises! Music style: Experimental Trance,Drum and Bass,Looping Madness,In Your Face Whackederrific Awesomeniscity, Dub Lingo We support the "Up and Coming Artist" please contact us if you would like some promotion. We think everybody should get rich doing this!^.^ yeah this review is so tongue-in-cheek.. I'll update it eventually, but in the meantime have fun. :)
    Music Style
    Experimental Trance,Drum and Bass,Looping Madness
    Musical Influences
    Aphex Twin, Moby, Kodo, Shonen Knife, Crunch-o-matic
    Similar Artists
    I get alot of compliments saying I sound like Aphex I only hope one day to be that good! :)
    Artist History
    Raised by Sea Monkeys. Acquired Pentium, later discovered fire. Became familiar with some of the more esoteric aspects of electronic music at a very early age. Tried remixing Nancy Sinatra's "Boots Are Made For Walkin'"--then realized.. almost everybody has already done that. actually though. I'm a self-taught computer musician. I do not know how to write music and I only played power chords( which I learned while watching the lead guitarist play) in a band for a very short time. I have been fascinated with fruity loops and acid pro for the last year and have been pretty amazed at how easy it is to compose a tune by ear. which is great because if you asked me how I did half these tunes I could only stare blankly and point to my computer. I throw different sounds into cool edit, or sound probe.. and tweak various properties, then I throw them into fruity loops as an instrument and tweak them more. I create a composite loop, then I will chop the whole she-bang in acid pro for fun. :) it's very exhilirating to first imagine, then execute an idea in sound.. it has made me appreciate art all the more. like sketching in 3d!
    Group Members
    Band Members DJAngstforless-Instruments: Pentium, Guitar, Various Noise Making Implements with potential destructive capabilites.. Enjoyed music so much, decided to try making some himself, but that's only part of the story. check out more of it @
    Pentium,Sound Editing Software,Acid Pro,Electric Guitar,random vocal talent
    Tribal Legacy
    Press Reviews
    yes.. that would be nice
    Additional Info
    graphic artist/web design/fine arts for hire!
    Seattle, Washington - USA

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