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Faceless (Seattle)

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    Artist description
    Four piece, no frills, hard edged groove rock project from the Pacific North West
    Music Style
    Heavy, Alternative Groove Rock
    Musical Influences
    Percussion: No Doubt, Rush,Crue - Bass: Van Halen, Alice in Chains, Rush - Vocals: Mazzy Star, Defranco, Merchant - Guitar: Alice in Chains, Love Bone, Sweetwater
    Similar Artists
    Guano Apes, Garbage, Drain STH, Mother Love Bone
    Artist History
    Faceless is the remaining members of Five Point who brought in a new guitar player and wrote an entire new set becoming Face Plant in September of 2001. The band continues to gain momentum and has recently changed their name to Faceless to accomidate a Houston band named Face Plant whio is enjoying success nationally this spring. Check the website for the full bio.
    Group Members
    Alisa Bruner-Voice Spot-Guitar Tate Erickson-Drums and percussion Rick White-Bass/Vocals
    One bass, one chick singer, one guitar, lots and lots of drums...
    Faceless In Seattle
    Press Reviews
    Being an independent label you can imagine how many local bands submit their material to us for review. All of my spare time is consumed by sifting through the piles of demo CD’s cluttering my desk and every free inch of office space I have. Half way through the first track of the two song Face Plant demo I was on their website looking for the next local show. The next show was in Everett. When I arrived, the room was empty and the first band was just finishing their set. The next act was good but it was a tough room and nobody seemed interested in the music that evening. I met most of Face Plant right before they went on. Very low key, didn’t seem to faze them that they were about to walk on to a stage in a room full of distracted people. Before the first song was over every eyeball in the room was glued to the stage. First thing you notice is the singer Alisa Brunner. She commands the attention from every warm body in the room. Good looks, constant animation and some of the most powerful vocals I’ve heard live in years. The crowd loved her. I’m partial to good drummers and Tate Erickson obviously lives to play. Nobody can play as authoritatively as he can without practicing every single day. He uses lots of triggering integrated into his acoustic set and the overall effect is huge. Bass player Rick White is locked in on the floor tom and the two of them are seamless. Would like to hear more back up vocals from the bass player. The guitar player, Spot (didn’t ask), grows on you after a couple songs. A little stoic at first, he carries himself well and makes it look easy until you close your eyes and wonder how one guitar player is creating that much music. The act as a whole completely works. A good-looking band with powerful, well executed material. The structure of every song is well thought through and this is one of the tricks Face Plant has in their favor; they can hook the first-time listener with literally any of their tunes. With the proper management, this band has no choice but to move out of the small club circuit and into the coveted venues such as the Sit & Spin, Show Box and Crocodile. If you haven’t seen them yet, do yourself a favor and look them up, you won’t be able to see them in the taverns for much longer. -Nick Castle Loud Doggy Press, Inc.
    Seattle, Washington - USA

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