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    Music Style
    Geek Power-Pop
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Homeroom, The Rentals, The Cars, Pixies
    Artist History
    The meaning of music and its purpose will be debated until the end of time. But for Homeroom, there is no question why we play music, the operative word being play. We do it because it's fun. Bono can try to save the world - and believe us, we hope he does - but we do what comes natural to us, and that's strap on guitars and rock like the world is coming to an end within the hour. Our songs are deceptively simple ditties about girls - usually the ones that got away. For the sake of classification, if you were to put our CD on your shelf by sound, we'd be somewhere between The Cars, the Pixies and The Rentals. (Of course, if you prefer to organize your music alphabetically, we should go somewhere between George Jones and Isaac Hayes.) The band was started in July 2001 by Phil Stockman, who handles lead guitar and vocals, Kenneth Gambill, who plays rhythm guitar and sings, and Tony Jenkins, who bangs on the drums. Rounding out the band is bassist Adam Youngblood, who provides the thick, pop-laden grooves and Sam Graham, who is in charge of keyboard duties. The genesis of Homeroom was the desire to capture the do-it-yourself spirit of indie rock without all its pretentious trappings. Too many indie bands, which seem to think they will find emotion in their shoes, which they can't stop gazing at, act like they are grudgingly doing you a favor by playing live. To us, playing live is a privilege. And our shoes are not cool enough to look at for 45 minutes. So, instead, we give you want we think you want, and we know we want - a good time. Not an Orlando, Florida-fat-man-looking-for-young-boys-that-can-sing-and-dance good time, but the kind of good time you've been rocked, and rocked hard.
    Group Members
    Phil-guitar/vox Kenneth-guitar/vox Tony-drums Adam-bass Sam-keys
    guitars+bass+drums+keys= ROCK
    Press Reviews
    "The band is new on the scene but has already created an undeniable buzz among the industry elite with their poppy odes to the girls they've lost and the girls that won't pay them any attention." -- Roger Thomas, America Online
    Additional Info
    Atlanta, Georgia - USA

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