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Caught In

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    Artist description
    Caught In Prayer is an up-and-coming contemporary Christian band headquartered in Ontario, California. They have been performing around the Inland Empire since early 1998 and have developed a unique blend of rock, folk and jazz to present a fresh, positive message to thier audiences. Their gift for sharing their experiences, beliefs and feelings, as to what it means to be a Christian in today's world, pours out through the inventive lyrical stylings as well as the fresh musical compositions. Caught In Prayer is a band fully committed to their calling and their fans.
    Music Style
    Christian Folk/Rock/Jazz Fusion
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    Artist History
    Caught In Prayer evolved from just a single guitar and voice at casual coffee house gigs, with Chris Stevenson and friends, to a more serious band, as you see it today. In the shadow of those early years, Chris started down a path that helped make Caught In Prayer a band with a direction and purpose. The key to starting off in a more focused direction was addition of David Betz and his bass. Together, Chris and David discovered an interesting blend of several musical styles as they experimented with the core music in several low key coffeehouse appearances around the Inland Empire Area. Their music structuring and creativity together seemed to be so natural and it reflected very well with the audiences. Chris and David knew that something wonderful was at their fingertips - Caught In Prayer was born. Several months later, Caught In Prayer decided that another element was required to round out the music as well as appeal to an even larger fan base. With the addition of David Odien's percussive talents, Caught In Prayer was able to travel down a new avenue for which its music could grow. The edge to David's energetic percussion techniques pushed Caught In Prayer's music to reach new creative heights and as a trio, we formed a truly unique and original sound. Chris, David and David are ecstatic about the response that they have been receiving from their families, close friends and their fans. With the completion of the Caught In Prayer trio, they are moving quickly toward the future and welcome the challenges that are laid on their paths as they share our message with the world.
    Group Members
    Chris Stevenson - Guitar/Vocals, David Betz - Bass, David Odien - Purcussion
    Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Purcussion
    Ontario, California - USA

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