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    Artist description
    David Paris, singer/songwriter/ acoustic guitar. Bob McBride / drums / songwriter. Thorsten Kober lead guitar and Paulo Gustavo on Bass. Featuring Producer Jimmy Hunter /Cazador Studio/Hollywood.Guest guitarist Steve Caton plays on Wild, 65Roses, Electra Fi, Pretty Face and Missing Her. Guest guitarist Keith Holland on Now. Guitar on Stone Cold and Pride n Joy Scotty Van Salter.
    Music Style
    Rock, pop, indie, hard rock
    Musical Influences
    Prince, Depeche Mode, Bowie, Beatles, Led Zepplin, U2.
    Artist History
    From the age of six davidparis founded his passion for playing and dad bought dp his first guitar from Sears, his father a guitar player gave dp his fender tube amp and the rest was a journey that lead dp hear for the world to hear. Throught the years dp decided to go solo and met producer Jimmy Hunter, ex-drummer for Ray Manzrek (DOORS) along with Paul Warren and Nigel Harrison (Blondie). During the last decade davidparis has recorded many songs that founded him in the spotlight. Today with a new band and a new modern rock sound...davidparis has much to offer to his 1999 he teamed up with songwriter/drummer Bob McBride...the self titled CD features the song 65ROSES... written with Bob McBride... This song represents the beginning of this dynamic duo... compared to Bernie Taupin and Elton John...get ready world! we have more hits coming your way... This last year also was a celebration of the new band featuring Bass Player Leigh Lawson...also on the new CD playing bass on the first two tracks 65Roses and Wild... Last but not least guitarist Steve Caton (Tori Amos) has added his style and passion to the david paris project...Thank you Steve for the tracks...You can find davidparis on tour this new millenium... Southern California...venues like Hard Rock Cafe...The Roxy & Whiskey... in Hollywood... David Paris owns and operates China Rain Music/ Indie Label.
    Group Members
    David Paris /singer/songwriter/acoustic guitar...Bob Mcbride /drums/ songwriter...Thorsten Kober Lead guitar....Steve Caton/ lead guitar/on CD only...Producer Jimmy Hunter /Cazador Studio/Hollywood
    takamine acoustic guitars, fender/roland strat, fender bass, audix microphones, rockshell drums, Line 6 amps, martin strings, crate acoustic amp, remo drum heads, gibralter drum stands.
    two doublezero two On Sale Now at
    Press Reviews
    Alternative Rock/Pop, Los Angeles based recording artist davidparis...similiar artist; Matchbox, Incubus, Lenny Kravitz. "davidparis plays a unique style of music melding rock, r & b and jazz into extended jams and creepy ballads", "This music is compelling in an intriguing way and tends to haunt the listener well after the show." Music Connection. U
    Additional Info
    Los Angeles, CA - USA

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