Artist description
Take some hip-hip (N.W.A.etc...)a little alternative (Smshing Pumpkins maybe)and how about some heavy stuff (like Helmet,Deftones, Rage...) mix it with a bit of theold school aggression (think Faith No More)and BAM!!!!! Liqua-Nyne is there, and still hasan original sound all it's own. A sound thatkicks ass as well as voicing our views on life.Just keep an open mind and enjoy... |
Music Style
Hardcore /Rap |
Musical Influences
Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Staind, etc... |
Similar Artists
a cross between Rage Against The Machine & Faith No More |
Artist History
Short... about 8 months.We've played some shows, both good & bad, recorded this EP. and are nowin need of 2 new guys...so goes the industry |
Group Members
Paleface - wordsPuccio- textureDaddy Mack - lowsDiesel - feel |
typical 4-piece gimmick |
...rage...passion...fear... |
Press Reviews
Taken from the June issue of Focus magazine Tampa,Fl. :Bay are metalheads ought to recognize some of thenames involved with this spankin' new project,as L9's roster includes a fewex-Machine House Opera, Wilted exsistenceand Sanctum folks in it's fold.Like thier heavy pedigree, Liqua-Nyne unfurl apowerful aggression- extra malted-thick bass,rugged bottomed-out beats, and crust-craggy guitar lines- bot but add a bit of hip-hopaudacity into their arual mischief. Yet, instead of taking on Limp Bizkit while on their turf, L9 back off (just a bit)for an old school edge(think very early Faith No More or Ugly Kid Joe).Their five song demo includes some outrageousdeath-like riffage (the leadoff |
Tampa, Fl. - USA |
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