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    Artist description
    Cardboard Pirates are the perfect mix of Punk and Hardcore combined with the toughness of the Seven Seas.
    Music Style
    Punk and Hardcore Meets the Toughness of the Seven Seas
    Musical Influences
    Slayer, Death Angel, Oasis
    Artist History
    Some might say its impossible to capture the cutthroat roughness of the Seven Seas in modern day music. But this is not true for the Cardboard Pirates: Captain Scurvy the founder and mastermind behind the Cardboard Pirates, who is a direct descendant of one of the most vicious pirates ever to roam this earth known as , "Black Beard." "Growing up I lived most of my life on the seas so I never had a chance to go to shows or go to school like normal land kids. I would pick up records and tapes sold by homeless people at the ports that we would stop in for supplies. That's where I first discovered the Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, and Death Angel. I started playing guitar right after and it changed my life forever." Cardboard Pirates are the perfect mix of Punk, Hard-core, and Blastbeats combined with the toughness of the Seven Seas. Which gives them an edge on all the other bands of today, who cry about their parents breaking up or how they had a shitty childhood. "I write about real life PIRATE LIFE! I never had parents I lived on the sea since I was 7 years old." Cardboard Pirates started out playing in small clubs around the world. They have played in Italy, Germany, France as well as the USA. They are known for their vicious live shows. "If we had a bad show or if one of us was too drunk to play on stage we used to trash the club or most of the time the other band and their equipment. It got so bad at one point that everyone was afraid to play with us and we got banned from almost every place we played at." Due to the fact of there loud and extreme live shows there first demo "Ahoy Matey" sold over 500 copies in Germany and is a sought after album by collectors and can be found selling on E-bay for hundreds of dollars. Right now the Cardboard Pirates are demoing new material for there debut album tentatively titled "Sic as a Pirate", with hopes to release it in early 2002
    Group Members
    Captain Scurvy and the Mechanical Bull
    Secret Location, New York - USA

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