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    Artist description
    Big drum tracks for any occasion.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Tommy Aldridge, Mike Patton, Danny Carey, Dennis Chambers,
    Similar Artists
    Faith No More, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Incubus,
    Artist History
    Born in Los Angeles, California, Fred grew up in (l)east Texas after moving from Florida as a kid. As a young one Fred was no stranger to excelling in the school music programs. After graduation Fred entered college with a full music scholarship. Jonathan (Fred's brother) and Fred had dabbled with garage bands but were successful with the group Mitzleplick. The band got its name from former band mate Rio Wallace who is now infamous with Le Freak and the M 80's. You can still find Fred sitting in with his brother occasionally on 6th street in Austin. Having his bachelor’s degree in Music-Percussion Performance Fred’s day job consist of close to 40 private students and two percussion classes in Grapevine and Southlake TX. But wait there’s more…Fred is a percussionist with various orchestras in the metroplex including the East Texas Symphony Orchestra. However, recent drum set gigs have been with the rock bands VENTT & Big Ferman. Fred has a list of credentials that speak for themselves! He brings a precise manner and a presence that make you sit up and pay attention. Be there no misunderstanding that you are dealing with a Drumming Freak!!! Influences on Fred are vast and endless. Classical composers such as W.A.Mozart and L.V. Beethoven not to mention E. Grieg and John Zorn represent musical structure at its finest. At the other end of the genre universe is Ozzy, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Soundgarden, and Anthrax. Drummers such as Tommy Aldridge, Danny Carey, Matt Cameron, Dennis Chambers, and Dr. Chris Hanning helped to inspire and drive Fred to inspire others who love drums.
    Group Members
    Fred on drums
    Drums, cymbals, percussion, and others
    Mitzleplick, ventt, various orchestras and ensembles
    Dallas/Ft. Worth, TEXAS - USA

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