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Swingin' Love

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    Artist description
    Hey Kids, drop your rocks and grab your socks, here come the Swingin' Love Corpses! So, just grab yerself some two-by-fours and some drywall and head for the basement. A multiple spontaneous ejaculatory spasmodic slack quagmire should immediately follow selective gland reproduction and mutation. If not, then money back guaranteed. The most famous unknown band in America, the Corpses have not had a successful tour in months. They also own their own guitar string factory in Belize. Some of them have been in jail, others dead, while others were just hangin' around eatin' chips.
    Music Style
    Pub Rockin' Mystery Jazz
    Musical Influences
    Zappa, Spinal Tap, Spike Jones, Le Petomane Disciples
    Similar Artists
    The Swapping Sex Cadavers
    Artist History
    Referred to in some circles as a musician's band, the Corpses have honed their extemporaneous composition skills for over ten years. They have redefined the art of "jamming" in a demented, perverted sort of cross between Sun Ra/Miles Davis/Frank Zappa/Abba/Hell Bros. Band. For a while they also ran a pretzel factory. Some liked 'em hot, though, and the Corpses just couldn't keep the oven lit so that failed. Oh well,
    Group Members
    The members of the band include: Philo Drummond, Saxophonist extraordinaire' packs more notes in less time. Cofounder of the Church of the SubGenius and the SubGenius Foundation, sometimes known as the world's dumbest genius; His brother, S.L.A.K. Squad Leader, Colonel Sphinx Drummond, former poster child for the March of Quarters. Later, he was recognized for the savant he is, the world's smartest retard! Capturing the market on cool but frenetic slack rhythms Drummer and Teen Heart Throb , Mojo "Skippy" Butcher owns the band through his targeted deployment of "Uncanny Luck" on Wall Street. The rhythm section features the Boppin' Bishop Baba Rey Hey with impunititious lobe guitar spewing more riffs per minute than your average teenage speed metal guitar Lord . Judge "Uncle" "Pop" "Tex" Einstein, short strokin' the "Long Stick" glides in with hypnotic powerslide perambulatory freefall. Sir Lafe Kowabunga on his custom handcrafted one-string frop pipe bass anchors the bottom end with mind destroying bass renderings steeped in insight gained in the pursuit of forbidden knowledge and general mayhem. Warning: Some notes played are beyond the realm of normal hearing
    Press Reviews
    Leaders of the Midwest's non-gothic thrash-grunge post-neo-industrial scene and, coincidentally, the owners of the coolest band name of all time, The Swingin' Love Corpses make good on all of their rare live appearances. Openers are listed in the World's Greatest Band Name List but include King Crimson-type noise bands who offer up a guitars played with a vibrators, a megaphone feeding back into a saxophone, an exhibition of mud-eating and a cover of an Edgard Varese song. SLC followed by sticking their keyboards and computers into burlap bags with which they pummeled one another, which doesn't give the audience much to watch, so they back it up with a 40-screen film and their infamous million dollar multi-media show. Other bands use screens, but SLC earn extra money during the show by selling seatpads, soft-drinks, peanuts and other concessions and then actually link up the images on screen with their musical themes. The piece called "The War On Idiocy" synce d with images of cops busting down garbage cans, cold medicine TV addicts taking shots of Silken Lauman and her Bone Collection (talk about tropical!). Lots of bands aspire to the multi-media concept, SLC actually kill for it.
    Pleasant Hill, CA - USA

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