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The Clockwork

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    Artist description
    Arising from the ashes of Babylon, came the sound of a crashing guitar, thundering bass, and electrifying of the drums in the distance. Despite the public's common theory of this being an assembly of gods standing in the rubble of some cataclysmic event, three young men stood full vigor with one distinct intention. To rock the pants off anyone in their path. Accompanying this montage of musical intensity, the wild and insane antics of The Clockwork Toys followed.
    Music Style
    Similar Artists
    The Clash, Stiff Little Fingers,
    Artist History
    Arising from the ashes of Babylon, came the sound of a crashing guitar, thundering bass, and electrifying of the drums in the distance. Despite the public's common theory of this being an assembly of gods standing in the rubble of some cataclysmic event, three young men stood full vigor with one distinct intention. To rock the pants off anyone in their path. Accompanying this montage of musical intensity, the wild and insane antics of The Clockwork Toys followed. They were assembled in the deep, dark, and dreary December, one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight years after the birth of Jesus of Nazereth. The Clockwork Toys are piloted by Jimmie Perrine, guitar and lead vocals, Alan Brown, drums and David Chavarria, bass. Since the creation of The Clockwork Toys there has been one self-titles album constructed to bring a state of awe to the masses. With shows mainly in the L.A. region, and Inland Empire, The Clockwork Toys have maintained quite an adequate fan base. The Fans are associated with the ideals of a Devine Right, a people pre-destined and chosen by a higher power of some sort, to view the musical wizardry The Clockwork Toys attain. If you happen to be one of the chosen to view and experience one of their performances, saddle up, and enjoy the ride.
    Group Members
    Jimmie Perrine- Guitar,"Rock Action", Vocals David "The Dave" Chaveria- Bass Alan Brown- Drums, Percussion, "Keeping it Real"
    The Clockwork Toys
    Victorville and Hesperia, CA - USA

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