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    Artist History
    Greetings. My name is Brad .I am a 24 year old father of one ,a five year old boy named Zarin (my best buddy).I’ve worked in a factory now for over 6 years and I’ve come to realize that this is not my cup of tea .I feel that I am wasting alot of talent punching a time card everday and only looking forward to my weekends.(that sucks)When I was a little boy the only thing I ever thought about was being a famous musician and just basically playing music the rest of my life ,especially after my Dad gave me my first guitar .I could not put it down .I played until the tips of my fingers were blistered The music I make is straight from the heart ,and each one of my songs has a good story behind it. These are the types of songs that have feeling behind them and friends say that you can actually see and feel the way I felt at the time I wrote the song that I am playing for them .Some I wrote about friends who died, some about bad habits and bad things peroid ,that happened in my life. Some about the best things that ever happened to me.Sometimes when I hear my own Music I cant help but cry knowing that when I ws a small child I dreamt this dream that I was on a stage Playing my own music and all of my friends surrounded me and were singing along to the stories of my life and some of theirs ,and I’ve come to realize this one thing, My dream came true i am a famous musician In my friends eyes .Thats all that really mattered. THANX FOR LISTENING Sincerely ,,Brad Hornberger
    Group Members
    Brad Hornberger
    Williamsport, Pennslyvannnia - USA

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