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    Artist description
    Drums, bass, 2 guitars one singer. Loud and energetic Whoremoan create a sound so loud and heavy it'll make your teeth hurt. Powerfull bass & drums pound a groove that hooks you instantly, leaving plenty of room for the guitars to follow or wander as they wish, creating a dynamic experience that launches you of the planet. With screaming lyrics thrown on top in huge lumps, the vocals are not so much a lead, as another instrument to add volume and power, and instrumental fills that take the songs into a new space before being launched back at you even more violently than before
    Music Style
    Heavy Alternative Rock
    Musical Influences
    Kyuss, Motorpsycho, Sonic Youth, Beatles, Black Sabbath, Roadsaw
    Similar Artists
    Kyuss, Motorpsycho, Black Sabbath, Roadsaw
    Artist History
    All of Whoremoan have lived on Canvey Island for all of there lives. Canvey Island was once a great place for fresh produce, you can see some here that I picked from my garden. The first meeting between any of the band members was Simon and Jon, this was due to the fact that they were born into the same family unit, the carbon based units calling themselves Foote. Unlike normal brothers these strange Neanderthal beings actually liked each other, they 'get on'. Another cosmic placement was the fact that living next door to the Foote house, is the house where Mark lived. Strangly enough, as soon as Mark was let out of the house for the first time and went to Cub Scouts , the meeting took place with the fourth member Tim. It was an unlikely meeting and some conflict was involved due to the fact that one was a yellow and the other a red woggle wearer. Years these people lived within spitting distance of each other without a note passing between them. The second meeting came when Tim and Mark met again at Secondary school and were in the same class, within the first week they wanted to fight. Over the years at school they became more friendly mostly through the medium of Heavy metal. After Tims appreciation of Metallica and one mister Cliff Burton a gift of a Bass was given to him for a birthday present. The first time members of the mighty Whoremoan played together was once one weekend when a friend Richard's Parents were away for the weekend. Richard had just aquired a ramshackle drumkit and was itching to show us what he had learnt. Another member of the group of people in the room (you could not call it a band!) was Mark, who was ripping it up on the guitar through his 'Kay Sound' amplifier. Mark from the current ,whoremoan was on the other guitar and Tim was on the Bass. We attempted a rendition of 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' by Metallica and then the people decided it would in the best interests of the population of the world not to form a band. There was slight swing of some of the people around that Saturaday afternoon to jump around in T-Shirts with Inverted crosses penned on the them. The T-Shirts also beared the name 'Excretment'. A charming name. Maybe the video made will be viewed again one day. This fustration(!) insighted a Band to be formed between Tim, Mark and another school friend called Nick. This was the band with no name who played such greats as Teen Spirit(Nearly) and Purple Haze(Sorta roughly). By this time Mark had switched to Bass and Tim to Guitar, which I think you can blame Jimi Hendrix and the Wah Wah pedal for. Another great rendition was Fools Gold by the Stone Roses. Amplification was quiet and the vocals were shouted as loud as possible. This made room for some great drum fills by Nick. The band split shortly afterwards. (Mark) Just before the split of the above mentioned three another band was being cobbled together in the house next door. The two foote bros. and a friend Alex Scott (on Bass) chugged out those Heavy Metal riffs Via the media of Marlin guitars and Sound City Amps
    Group Members
    Tim - Guitar, Mark - Bass, Jon - Guitar, Simon - Drums
    2 guitars,bass,drums,effects
    Press Reviews
    Bass, raging drums and a screaming frontman launched Whoremoan on us. A couple of tracks and the assembled were hooked and being reeled in. A distorted bass started my favourite
    Additional Info
    Canvey Island, Essex - United Kingdom

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