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    Artist description
    Prepare yourself for the 650 attack. Fast hardcore out of the 650!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    What Happens Next?, Husker Du, Void, Charles Bronson, LARM, Minor Threat, Spazz, Infest
    Similar Artists
    What Happens Next?, Charles Bronson, Scholastic Deth, Husker Du, Void, Charles Bronson, LARM, Los Crudos, Minor Threat, Spazz, Infest, Life's Halt, Jellyroll Rockheads, Razors Edge
    Artist History
    I think we formed a bit after December of 2000. I can't remember the exact date, but I know it was after the Crucial Section show (which I missed). It totally sucked Tony and the rest of the future band into hardcore. The first What Happens Next? show I went to was the Vitamin X/WHN show at SF State and it blew me away. We had formed Dystrophy I think a little before that, so let's say about March. We played our first show at Mills College in Oakland, possibly the second worst show ever. The worst show was the next one in Redwood City at this girl's birthday party. Dystrophy almost came to an end there on May 12th, but we worked out our problems and continued. The next three shows, one at the san bruno park gazebo and the next two at the millbrae rec proved to be much better. We could actually play all our songs without screwing up once. Hurrah. I think after those shows we finished recording the Nice Kids 7" (which has yet to be released, they're still being pressed and we haven't got any test pressings yet). The next few shows were okay, but nothing special. We got invited to play the Rampaging Insane Depravity Fest at Burnt Ramen on December 2nd which was a really fun fun show. Lots of people liked us and asked for demo tapes or any music we had. The show after that on December 7th at SF state totally rocked too, one of our best shows. Max and Robert from WHN were totally into us and that was really cool. We played with LiE at Misson Record on December 30th which was probably our second best show. Tony went nuts, and I did my Dug dancing. I saw Rambo and LiE the day before at Gilman. they're so good. Who doesn't like Best Friends Punx? After that, the next day we had a show at Chloe's garage which is singlehandedly the best show we've ever played. Some dude got naked and it was a lot of fun. When we played, all our friends were there to start a mini-pit and do stuff. Christopher, Will, Tyler, Chloe, Mike, Tom, Diana, and more (apologies if I've forgotten anyone). Our last show was yes yesterday January 18th at Gilman. It was mostly a pop punk night, but for some reason everyone stayed when we played and watched.
    Group Members
    Beano (666 worship+microphone), Doug (the mosh strings), Pug (wooden duck+bass), Kyle (wanking plank), and Bo Duke (da skinz)
    Two Guitars, Bass, Drums, and the shaved goat
    Demo of Death, We're Nice Kids 7
    Press Reviews
    "These guys are 650 bread and butter" - Crucial Fanzine
    Millbrae, California - USA

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