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    Artist description
    Album Description Drawing from various stylistic backgrounds, the new CD from Ezra Thomas slips between genres, with its strong foundation in acoustic/roots rock and mature musicianship to settle comfortably within the popular AAA format. Ezra Thomas takes a chance in this age of "techno trickery" to create The Weight of Being, a CD supported by a mix of progressive grooves, profound weighty lyrics and timeless melodies. These qualities are best illustrated by the fifth cut on the record "Where I Am". The strong electric arrangements on The Weight of Being range from the reserved alt-pop sounds of "December" to the hymn-like qualities of "Kinsman Redeemer" to bring the record to life. This is an adventurous recording filled with inference, a fusion of all the musical forms Ezra Thomas absorbed on their journey. Their torrent sound,highlighted by deep-seated drums, grousing guitars, and entrancing vocals, moves beyond the walls of projects past to authenticate a bolder proclamation. Comparable to the music of: Duncan Sheik, Dave Matthews, Ben Harper, Chris Whitely, Daniel Lanois, Mark Knopfler
    Musical Influences
    Daniel Lanois, Bob Dylan, Prince, Chris Whitley, U2,
    Similar Artists
    the wallflowers,Bob Dylan,Dave Mathews,Duncan Sheik
    Group Members
    Ezra Vancil, Aaron Thomas
    the weight of being, leftovers 1 & 2
    Press Reviews
    Ezra Thomas The Weight of Being (Buck 50 Records) By Paula Felps There is something instantly familiar yet refreshingly new about The Weight of Being, the highly promising debut from Dallas-based act Ezra Thomas. The latest collaboration of Ezra Vancil and Aaron Thomas, who last were seen sharing words and music in the pop/rock band Dogma and the Universe, Ezra Thomas also includes Mark Hallman, a producer/musician whose production credits include Carole King, Ani DiFranco, David Garza, and Oasis. Vancil, who was part of the early '90s Metroplex act Gypsy Tree, is the band's lyricist and shares tunesmithing duties with Thomas. Lyrically, Vancil is upbeat and reflective; musically, the group travels some familiar territory but brings along some nice touches that prevent it from ever sounding like a retread of yesterday's music. There are moments that show definite shades of Vancil's pop Gypsy Tree roots, such as "Kingdom Come" and "Paradise," which will be warmly embraced by anyone who adores Blue Sky Black. Songs like "Stereo" and "Break This Heart" are sort of a techno, postmodern Seals and Crofts -- and not in a bad way. It's not often that the words "lush" and "folk" land together in the same sentence, but in the case of Ezra Thomas, it feels like a natural fit. There's enough of an edge to keep this out of the E-Z listening category, just enough pop to keep it from being too folky, and just enough techno to keep it from being completely acoustic. Without ever sounding fragmented, Ezra Thomas takes all these elements and layers them into one airtight package that goes into the ears easily and comes out as a catchy tune you'll find yourself humming after the disc has stopped spinning. --Paula Felps
    dallas, TX - USA

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