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Ghetto Recording

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    Artist description
    Artist recorded in Ghetto Recording studios
    Artist History
    It all started about three years ago in my room. It began as a money saver for my band Automatic Lowe's first album, but now I want to share my money saving "dream" with other struggling artist. I've been a bass player for six years. Five of those years were spent playing with Automatic Lowe. We were just some poor high school kids jamming out in a band. Like most typical young adults with stars in our eyes we wanted an album. This is where I came into it. I bought everything for the band. The PA equipment, mics, and whatever else was needed (I know some other band person reading this page can relate). Recording has always caught my attention so I thought to myself what the hell, I'll get a decent soundcard and we'll do an album. So I got my Guillemot sound card, and the fun times began. In two weeks we finished recording, and then two months later we had an album (took so long cause I had no clue about mixing then). We sold over 100 copies at five bucks a piece. That soundcard was the best investment I ever made. It gave me a direction to go in life I guess you could say. Now here I am, going to one of the top three schools in the nation for the Recording Industry, Middle Tennessee State University. I've come along way since the days of the Guillemot in my room covered with egg foam crates. I've got some new equipment and some practice under my belt to help artist like Automatic Lowe get the boost they need to going. It doesn't take a 15,000 dollar recording to get a record deal. It takes talent and a decent sounding recording. That's why GRS is here.
    Group Members
    Jim Killgore - studio A Murfreesboro, Tn Blake Fischer - studio B Oklahoma City, Ok
    oklahoma city, oklahoma - USA

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