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    Artist description
    Sid Sosa is an innovative guitarist whose talents and style have taken him on tours throughout the US and UK . Chris Morgeson, who has played with Sid in the past, drives the band with a percussive hard-hitting edge. Tracy Sosa is a new talent who brings truthful and poetic lyrics to the group. Her dynamic voice, which ranges from a sweet vibrato to an angst-ridden growl, brings her words to life. In October 2000, John McGonigle joined Sugarmama on bass. A seasoned player and singer, he brings a complimentary voice to Tracy’s, and enriches the band with his creative songwriting and melodic bassplaying. Sugarmama has recently released its first 4 song CD. They’ve launched a website on MP3 that has had over 2500 downloads in less then two months, with one of the their songs, Frustrated, peaking at number 10 on MP3’s Pop and Rock’s most downloaded songs. They have performed at venues such as Universal Studios City Rock and Hard Rock Café, the Joint, Molly Malones, The Cat Club, Coconut Teaser, Club Lush and the Westwood Brewing Company. They look forward to continue playing through out Los Angeles and touring. Thank you for your interest. For more information please contact: Sid Sosa (818) 841-1476
    Artist History
    Sugarmama came together in 1997 with guitarist Sid Sosa, drummer Chris Morgeson, and vocalist Tracy Sosa. The collaboration grew out of a common love for rock and blues and a desire to take a break from other bands to play some acoustic sets. Evolving into a four piece electric band, their songs weave through many musical genres but remain grounded in rock.
    Group Members
    Tracy Sosa - Vocals Sid Sosa - Guitar, Backing Vocals John McGonigle - Bass, Lead and Backing Vocals Chris Morgeson - Drums
    Redondo Beach, California - USA

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