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    Artist description
    Group consisting of one of hip-hop's most talented producer & emcee combos.
    Music Style
    Underground Hip-Hop
    Musical Influences
    The Roots, Pete Rock, Primo,The Ummah, James Poyser
    Similar Artists
    Nas, The Roots, Talib Kweli, AZ
    Artist History
    The duo met while in high school and immediately a bond was formed. Both having experience in prior musical projects, they came together based on their similar taste and style of music. They rhymed together in various shows and open mic nights, until they departed; both moving to different cities. However, divine destiny would reunite them not too long later, this time, Amadeus taking the role of production while Inner Sense holding down the role of lead emcee.
    Group Members
    Inner Sense, Amadeus
    Inner Sense-vocals, Amadeus-producer, all instruments & programming
    It's Deeper Than The Music (due 2003)
    Press Reviews
    'GodBody' is a hip-hop collective of emcee Inner Sense and producer Amadeus. This duo of born-again christians have united to take the world by storm through thought provoking rhymes and infectous audio backdrops while remaining spiritually focused. Although their themes are positive and cover many facets, including current affairs, GodBody does not want to be put into the "conscious rap" catergory. They bring straight unadultered christ filled hip-hop to the masses, without sacrificing quality or creativity. "We both started out in the secular hip-hop arena, so most of our influences are secular. When we came to Christ though, and looked for comparable artists, we found none. They either compromise God's word as an attempt to sound mainstream, or they stay true to scripture, but have a lack of creativity and skill. Christ is definately more important than sounding hot, but all artists have an artistic responsibility to create the best music they can," says Amadeus. GodBody does just that. They are creating a new standard on which spiritual hip-hop is judged while remaining true to ministry. "We just want to use our gifts as a ministry tool, to win people to Christ." If GodBody's current work is an example, that will be a mission soon accomplished.
    Boston, MA - USA

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