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    Artist description
    I was touched by music at a very early age, and its importance in my life remains a defining piece of who I am. From the time I was 5 or 6 I was surrounded by music, listening to my parents singing around the house and soon joining along. Quickly it became pop songs on the radio, and when I was 13, they bought me my first guitar and everything changed. I spent hours fantasizing about being able to play the rock and roll I was growing to love. Writing songs ensued, some better than others, but few of them really seeming to touch anyone, perhaps even myself. Of course, this never stopped my from parading around the basement, guitar in hand running wildly through my imaginary arena! After various 'guitar kid' rites of passage, by college I was teaching guitar and spending hours jamming and writing...but where was I headed? Bandless and frustrated, I started to write songs on my acoustic guitar that were different- more personal, and stripped down. Desperation? - maybe. Surprisingly, the more I played for friends 'unplugged', the more I kept hearing how my personality and voice came through in a way they never did before. I had finally found an artistic path which would allow me to give my songwriting more of an identity. Of course, this singer/songwriter vibe had to be balanced by my ongoing love for rock and roll (some things never change!). Maybe that contrast is what i'm after- something meaningful but never lacking in melody or, hopefully, fun. Music will probably always be a vehicle for my personal and spiritual journey- if my music could be a vehicle for someone else, I think I've succeeded.
    Music Style
    Acoustic rock
    Musical Influences
    bruce springsteen, paul westerberg, and rock of all kinds
    all vocals, guitar, bass
    4 Songs demo (2000), Canvas (2002)
    Additional Info
    this is my only web site right now...drop me an e-mail if you want my new CD 'Canvas', featuring all of the songs posted and several more...only $5 for 10 songs...not bad, huh?
    Chicago, IL - USA

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