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    Artist description
    Gareth was brought up in Vancouver, Canada and moved back to Hong Kong when he was 11 for education. He started clubbing in late 1999 and discovered his passion and love for the music and the scene. The more he explored the parties and the music, the more he was interested in how the sound was produced on the dance floor. He was fortunate enough to meet the first DJ who guided him into the basics of DJ mixing and showed him the possibilities of how a DJ can create new sounds with different records and the mixer. And it was there he started learning more about mixing. The ones who know Gareth's sound would describe it as "uplifting sounds without any fancy tricks". Simplicity is what Gareth's after when it comes to mixing and he believes good sounds don't need any extra touching. In such a short time Gareth picked up his first gig performing in front of 10,000 clubbers and has performed with many famous international dj's including Alex Pearce (USA), Bad Boy Bill (USA), Binary Finary (UK), Christopher Lawrence (USA), Diesal Boy (UK), DJ Vitamin D (USA), Jim Master (USA), Ken Ishii (Japan), Peace Division, Takkyu Ishino (Japan) and more.. Being a weekly guest DJ in a local club and holding residencies at / and Belgiums #1 Internet Radio U4EA FM! And throughout the year of out, he has gradually built his own sound. In late 2002 Gareth moved over to Toronto for University and within the first month he had picked up his first gig in downtown under a production group called '1AM'. Later on in Toronto Gareth met his friend's room mate Kofi and from then Gareth started producing Hip Hop beats for him! Now Gareth is back in Hong Kong for summer and he is still producin the beats and having regular dj gigs in town!
    Music Style
    Electronic & Hip Hop
    Musical Influences
    muhaha I influence myself!
    Similar Artists
    I just make what I like..
    Artist History
    Gareth has already played at some of Hong Kong's largest parties including: : HKEMF 2000 along with Binary Finary, DJ Vitamin D, and Jim Masters, Ken Ishii Asia Tour 2001, Back 2 Back 2 with Bad Boy Bill & Christopher Lawrence Takkyu Ishino and 'Do You Jungle 4' featuring Dieselboy, 'Dark Drums' with Clive Henry from Peace Division.
    Group Members
    I make the beats! Kofi spit the words!
    A computer and a computer mic (wish we had a better mic that we could afford)
    Additional Info
    For future bookings and photos please contact Nick Willsher at or by mail: GPO Box 11444, Central, Hong Kong, SAR China.
    Hong Kong, none - Hong Kong

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