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Opie Tailor

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    Artist description
    As the Owner & CEO of the underground, headlining label, LitlWiteGy Productions, Opie Tailor Made has successfully set the stage for the nation's first Midwest hip-hop superpower. "We started out in my bedroom at my parent's house, me & Midknight. We was just playin' around, with tracks and stuff. It was around that time that I realized, 'Hey, I can do this... and I can do it better than anybody out here!!'" Since his label's conception in early 1999, Opie Tailor Made has produced numerous un-released albums, consisting of original, unrestricted, grime and gritty truth about the streets and what they hold. Not only has Opie come forth as one of the hottest producers on the market, but has also recently found himself as one of the label's featured artists, with solo hits such as, "She Likes", "My Life", "Point 'Em Out", and many more. Featured on 11 of the 17 tracks on the upcoming release, "SQUATTIN' - The Compilation", Opie promises to be a strong force not only on the business side of this industry, but on the artist side as well!
    Music Style
    Hip Hop/Rap
    Musical Influences
    Rap, R&B, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, & Classical
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    Artist History
    Born in Excelsior Springs, MO on March 19, 1983, Austin W. Mathis is the second of four children. His parents moved the family to the inner city ghetto of Kansas City, MO when Austin was 8 years old. Forced to adapt to the urban front, verses his small hometown, Austin learned fast the ways of the street. He quickly adjusted his ways, and seamlessly began to fit in with his peers. Before long, he was just one of the crew. Nobody saw the small, frail, scared little white guy. Austin's friends witnessed his transformation, into The LitlWiteGy... which he was tagged by his fifth grade basketball coach. Attending school in the Kansas City Missouri School District, Austin would face the struggle of "fitting in" and making friends all over again. He learned what was "in" and what was not. By high school, he was, "the coolest white dude you could find"!!! Still today, the image of a young white man sticks out. However, it is a refined, more well rounded individual, persuing his dream and grasping his goals!!!
    Group Members
    "Midwest Mindstate", "SQUATTIN' - The Compilation", "Tailor Made"
    Press Reviews
    Kansas City, MO - USA

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