Artist description
Digital music influenced by cyberpunk and expermintal,
industrial music. |
Musical Influences
Aphex Twin, ATR, Society, Life in its own. |
Similar Artists
None |
Artist History
Long time friends since childhood.
Got split up when Mik[E] escaped the town (got into trouble).
Delete was DJ:ing and making music from that time and forth.
The duo reunited in 2001, started to talk about making music.
Now its now. |
Group Members
DELETE: Former DJ that makes experimental music influenced by fast, disordered heavy beats.
Mik[E] Electric: New to the "game". Uses themes in the different tracks. Soundmanipulator.
Software, Hardware. |
Press Reviews
"An industrial dream with creative forces" -Green.net |
Lidköping, Skaraborg - Sweden |
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