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the Nerve

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    Artist description
    Songcraft and dynamics characterize this trio: lyrics of chaos and desire, pleasure and pain are musically mirrored by thundering piano, grinding guitar, and a rhythm section that both hammers and caresses.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Nick Cave, Bowie, Kurt Weill, The Fall, Chopin, Monk
    Similar Artists
    The Birthday Party vs. Tindersticks
    Artist History
    the Nerve Meter is led by Will Lerner, who boils his brain in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. In the Spring of ‘98, Will, drummer Peregrine Maese and bassist Shawn Miller created the CD Six Songs. Trevel Beshore swaggers in and becomes the permanent bassist. Copious performances follow at institutions such as Paradise Lounge, Bottom of the Hill, Hotel Utah, Cafe Du Nord, Starry Plough. They perform at events like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence 20th Anniversary Celebration, and onair on college radio stations KUSF (San Francisco), KALX (Berkeley), KFJC (Los Altos). For most of ‘99 woodwinds and a 2nd vocalist are added to the group, but personal tensions and a desire to get the songs back to their roots slice the band back down to trio size. Peregrine leaves amicably to continue his career as a sound engineer. Anthony Koutsos joins on drum duties; the experience and savvy Anthony possess from playing in indie favorites The Red House Painters bring a new dimension to the band. He gets the songs right quick, and Trevel has never sounded better. Oh yeah...
    Group Members
    Trevel Beshore-bass. Anthony Koutsos-drums. Will Lerner-vocals, guitar, keyboard.
    Voice. Keys. Guitars. Drums. Bass.
    Poison Pen
    Press Reviews
    "The Nerve Meter, it seems, is adept at both pleasure and pain." Summer Burkes, San Francisco Bay Guardian. "The parade of [tNM's] moody spirit guides continues with 'Bacchus, Hit the Pavement', a mix of spoken word, vocal affectation and beat ambience. Lerner's piano playing really shines on this track, acting as a complimentary narrative device... Tension and its realease are a mere glissando away." Howard Myint, SFBG. "...boasts a vocalist who gives Peter Murphy a run for his velvet knickers..." Silke Tudor, SF Weekly. "Pulsing, linear rhythms, Bowie-esque vocals, aggressively interwoven guitars, and beautifully discordant keyboards..." Kelly Bauman,
    New York, NY - USA

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