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    Artist description
    Southern California based members in the continued pursuit of "Life,Liberty and Global Acceptence" Other ventures... cure cancer, eliminate income tax
    Music Style
    Strong hard edge sound with a meaningful positive lyrical content
    Musical Influences
    From Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Queen, Deep Purple and many classic rock bands of old to Creed, Stone Temple Pilots, Penny Wise, Linkin Park and many new alternative artist of today, guitarist Mike Morris has a wide range of influences in his song writing that with the creative ideas of other band members developes a truly original sound with a diverse range of loyal listeners
    Similar Artists
    Creed, Penny Wise, Linkin Park
    Artist History
    With many years of experience in the L.A."Rock Scene",and suprisingly all cuerrent members maintaining a valid California drivers license,the project was conceived in 1995 as guitarist Mike Morris began a search for serious minded team players. Jon Wilson who originally donated all of his musical equipment to Mike's home studio was eventually through persuasion/coersion convinced to become member number two,the fulltime bass player. With the added passion of rock drummer Brian Resh and the high tenor vocals of Robert Singletary the first recorded production of "Leonards Yard" was released in 1996. Not long after the release of their first "CD" the band was approached by an energetic nut with a heart of gold... Val Comsa. Assisted by his partner in crime Dakota Michaels, the band entered a joint venture to produce the "M.O.V.E." album. The M.O.V.E. organization was a political activist group against the justice system going to damn easy on harsh criminals. As the band moved forward a search began for an "alternative lead vocalist" to give the tunes a more original modern sound. After many auditions and the singers come and singers go experience, Mike Morris decided to step up and fully develope his own personal lead vocal style. During this process,Italian Stallion Pino Mele was brouht aboard as the new drummer bringing an original rythmic twist. Through many years of growth, change and a never ending belief in the value of the music, the band has just released it's finest recorded production to date, with the added genius of Producer Scott Mathews. Scott is very selective in whom he chooses to work with. As a result of Mr. Mathews hearing cuts from the "Leonards Yard"(industry samplings), specifically the cuts with Morris on the vocals, a door was opened and Leonard walked through it. As self contained artist and the added talent of Scott Mathews, "lead band Producer" The History of Leonards Yard has just begun.
    Group Members
    Mike Morris Jon Wilson Pino Mele
    "Leonard"( Scott Mathews Production), Leonards Yard (industry sampling collection), Leonards Yard (Move), Leonards Yard
    Additional Info
    Personal Showcase Theatre just outside Hollywood seen Glendora, Ca
    Los Angeles, CA - USA

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