Artist description
Ra'Figh is an outlaw in his home country of Afghanistan. He is a rogue, and vagabond simply because he can't stop whistling. In Afghanistan it is illegal to sing or play an instrument, or even whistle and hum. Ra'Figh faces his death everyday because t he songs of the devil run through his mind. Feel sorry for him, pitty hymn, be glad your not him.r› |
Music Style
experimental/electro/gabba/dub/break/core |
Musical Influences
the Residents, Hecate, Uakti, Deicide, Phoenecia, John Denver |
Similar Artists
your momz |
Artist History
Cannot disclose info for fear of imprisonment and/or execution. |
Group Members
Ra'Figh∆ |
electronic gear |
Een Cheeza, Bachahabia |
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - USA |
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