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    Artist description
    Refusing to be pigeonholed as "just another ska band" the creekans continue to pump out sound that will raise eyebrows.
    Music Style
    Aggressive, progressive music for discerning taste.
    Musical Influences
    Ska, Metal, Waltz, Rap, Jazz, Techno, Punk
    Similar Artists
    El Sneako Creekos
    Artist History
    Beginning of Time: The big bang happened, stuff got really hot, planets formed, The Earth cooled, dinosaurs showed up, dinosaurs died, man showed up, invented things, man started making music, man did a bunch of other stuff, man took over a bunch of the Earth, man has wars and stuff, dog bites man, man bites dog, George, Nate, Jon, Paul, Josh, and Andrew are born. Nate moves into the hills of Boulder Creek, and the wheels of red-neck culture start turning. Nate is not pleased. Summer of 1997 Jon, Randy, and Nate's progressive metal band "Less Than Human" disbands... later on, the founding members of The Sneaky Creekans begin working on material... then the other signs of the apocalypse start showing up... December of 1997 The Sneaky Creekans go into the Cabrillo studio and record their first demo. Noverber 1999 "We've decided to stop selling our cheap ass demo for the time being. The thing is so out-of-date and bad sounding, and we don't want that representing us to new listeners! Hopefully we'll get our new CD done soon. We've only got a few hours of recording left to do on it, but the ADAT set-up that we were using has croaked! Oh no! So we're at the mercy of Alesis' repair department for the time being. All we can do is promise that the new disc will not be a dissappointment, and we're doing all we can to get the damn thing done. Maybe people will actually start buying our shirts instead (hint hint)" september 2001 relesed the first album, released the second album, georg quit, lucas joined, andrew quit, josh quit, matt joined. The band is still alive and well keepin' rockin in the free world.
    Group Members
    Nate Lieby, jon Moriconi, Paul demorest, Lucas Bantner, Matt Lease
    drums, guitar, bass, alto sax, tenor sax
    BOBO, For the time being
    Press Reviews
    Boulder Creek, CA - USA

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