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    Artist description
    This is weird electronic shiznitt, produced and emerging from countless nights of no sleep and much speed. Description? What and how? Huh? Oh, ok.. This project has no direction in mind. I strive to direct myself in whatever direction the music takes me as I start putting it together.. Thus, some strange crap gets made.Its anything and everything I come up with. There's some dancey quirky shizitt like Spookem Ookems, there's weird and almost hip hop like sounds with industrial tinges of course such as SkullF&%King Psychos..theres the more industrial sounding hard edged stuff of course like with Psychomachines(esp),Buzz Cluster Fudge v2, Hereditary Mental Illness, and then all out crazinesslike Acid Trip to Hell and Satanic Pop.
    Music Style
    Noise...I make nosie and Im good at it...
    Musical Influences
    Acumen Nation, Numb, Frontline Assembly, ...Anything industrial
    Similar Artists
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    Artist History
    I've always loved Industrial music, been in industrial bands, playing what they set out for me. My current project had and still is singing for a Metal band called DIMM. Even there, I was singing to music already written. I had never had a chance to really write a song more or less all material for any music project I had ever been involved in until Dyssociated. Finally got my hands on the right computer software, set everything up, and before I knew it, I was creating most of these songs up here over the course of a night each with a bit of help from those pint sized miracle s. Question is, I've never written anything , never written electronic music even more so, so where the fuck do I begin? Thats where I sat down and just plunked away until I had whatI have now. I never had direction and still have none. Over the history of Dyssociated, seeing as I have several issues and mental problems,songs have gone from more agressive, violent, dark, and/ or twisted to more humorous, more melodic or grooving, more slow tempoed. Dyssociated has become my most expressive mood swing, as well as a substitute for the action taken during the extremes of these mood swings. Dyssociation will continue to grow hopefully. As it grows in fanbase, I hope it can grow musically. I'd like to see the future bring me time to lay vocals over a handful of tracks, at least half of my material. The original peices from the first days of existence "Spookem Ookems", "Atheist's Rickity Rizz" , and another track I cant remember were never written with vocal in mind, but the closer to present we get, the more open to a vocalist tracks become such as "Psychomachines" "Hereditary Mental Illness" and possibly "Skullfucking Psycho Love". Only time will tell what the becomes. It's never been taken seriously before by myself, and I don't think that should change, despite whatever fanbase I develop, because like the name implies, this project and myself are Dyssociated from all binding ties to genre, sounds, categorizing, etc. We just dont care.
    Group Members
    DJ Spooktard - Programming, loops, Noisemanipulations, Basically everything
    Whatever I have or get to work in unison with the computer programs I use.
    The Evolution of My Mental Collapse
    Press Reviews
    "You'll never amount to're a loser and always will be what you are..a zero. Accept it"=voices
    Additional Info
    I fucked your mom
    Silver Spring, Maryland - USA

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