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    Artist description
    J.A.G.W.A.G.~JustAnotherGuyWithanAxetoGrind********************************************************* When i was a kid my family transversed America more than a couple times in a Ford Falcon. I was too short to see this great Country,having been required maintain contact with the seat,my imagination was developed;at least thats my theory.Fast forward into my teen years, before the advent of the Walkman and living in a relatively isolated town in Germany. I traveled many a mile by bike and foot to reach my favorite activitys such as playing pool, lifting weights,and working at the Bumper cars during the summertime,and hanging with my best freind Rick.I would sing every song i could think of,more often than not a song from Steppen Wolf,Doors, Uriah Heep,Alice Copper or Ten Years After,after that i would make them up as i went.Once again it was auto travel to the south of France on two seperate Vactions with the Family that required me to roll my favorite music in my head as if i was really listening to it live.Moving foward in time once again to 1980 Pheonix AZ,out on my own.I was hang'n out with these collage dudes when the one guy said "i have music going in my head all the time". With those words what is now JAGWAG was born.I got my first guitar from the aformentioned best freind Rick,with whom i'd hook up with again in North Carolinia.It was his brothers,thanks Mike. I was an old Harmony acoustic with F holes............. Phil.******************************************************* Starting relitively late (19) Phil has honed skills as a guitar player for over 20 years. The focus on recording has taken place since 1997,with the creation of the album Cylent One, followed by Dog in the Hood and Raw Purple Status under the name BRITTON. With the help of young Dan Rendo's computer savy JAGWAG was taken to new heights.With the completion of a 4 song demo (self titled) and subsequently the albums ; COASTER , BLITZ and PRICE WE HAVE TO PAY with much vocal contribution and some keyboard work by Dan, JAGWAG received critical aclaim from Johnathan Underfoot@Underfoot records(site currently under constrution). JAGWAG is: Phil Britton -music,lyrics,mixing,enginering, vocals, guitars(acoustic,electric,bass) drum sequencing
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    Artist History
    More to be had /Info and Music check the Links it will take you to German mp3 site.No signing up -self explanitory,no german comprehension necessary
    Group Members
    That would be me!
    I am teaching myself Drums,the Album after the one i'm working on now will feature live drumming by me.
    Cylent One,Dog in the Hood,Raw Purple Status,Coaster,Blitz, Price we have to Pay
    Press Reviews
    (excerpt from a REVIEW posted on Underfoot Records Website*) BAND :JAGWAG ALBUM: Blitz Released:2001-self release Review:Jonathan Underfoot(Underfoot Records-Miami Florida) *now defunked "Over the past few years the idea of DIY (Do it Yourself) has become near and very dear to this record label and it's members.The scene is full of people doing it themselves,leaving (and in some cases trampling on)corparate America for the pride and sence of satisfaction of making a change.In many ways,JAGWAG in this album has taken those principles and run with them embodying a quality DIY ethic like i have never seen before. Given the tools used the overall quality is outstanding.Bundled together with one hell of an effort,Iwould say this has got to be one of my favorite C D's this year."
    Additional Info
    The new Album ; TRIDIS ONFORSIZE.You can find more JAGWAG music @
    Tamarac, Florida - USA

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