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    Artist description
    The musical proposal NARCOLEXIA starts on January 1996. It is an attempt to share the punk destabilizing strength and immediatism with electronic sounds. It believes in the power that this mixture has to interpret the sound of a transition era straddling the industrial metropolitan decadence and the rising of new virtual communities. NARCOLEXIA projects its imaginary on a future not so far, mostly deriving from the cyberpunk literature filtered with an intimate approach. This could be defined a cyber-techno-punk kind of music that propose, without giving up the structure of the song in the composition, a mix made of electronic tracks (techno, jungle, etc.) with played instruments and an Italian punk way of singing. Two singers, a guitar, a bass, drum and machines compose the band. On live there is often a Dj cooperation with scenery and video projects that make a show of strong physical impact. The show is a mix between a concert and a rave with a big public involving (live exhibitions are its strength point). From the ’96 they made about 200 lives in different places. On November ’98 their first CD Sovraccarico Sensoriale, has been released by BMG with the video clip Danza. After two years spent in lives in Italy and abroad and working in recording studio a new mini CD, called TRANSIZIONI, will be released at the beginning of June with a label of their own, the NLXproject, and the 99Records (Self distribution). It will anticipate the release of a full CD (already recorded) at the end of the year. Contacts : NLXproject Via Russolillo, 19 80010 - Quarto (NA)- Italy Tel. 0039/335.538.44.67
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Ministry/Dead Kennedys/Depeche Mode/RATM
    Similar Artists
    Ministry/Dead Kennedys/Depeche Mode/RATM
    Artist History
    Records: - SOVRACCARICO SENSORIALE - Demo - 1996 - SOTTOTIRO - Compilation Amnesty - 1997 - SOVRACCARICO SENSORIALE - CD BMG -1998 - TRANSIZIONI - miniCD NLXproject - 2001 - Compilation Punk-Hardcore - CD - 2001 - CD - previsto per dicembre 2001
    Group Members
    Staff band: - Massimo Cordovani - Voice and machines - Luca Nottola - Voice - Attilio Naddei - Guitar and vocals - Fabio Sorrentino - Machines
    NAPOLI, Italia - Italy

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