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    Artist description
    Emandarrs is an musiciangroup from Sturefors outside Linköping in Sweden. We play soft pop music and the texts often contains lovestories.
    Music Style
    Soft pop influenced by Max Martin and the others from the now closed down Cheiron..
    Musical Influences
    Max Martin
    Artist History
    1998´- Emandarrs was born. Then the members were Rikard Andersson, Robert Andersson and Martin Hägglund. This year we wrote songs and recorded them as well. 1999´- We recorded our first CD, "Sången vid vattnet". 2000´- Rikard left the group but Martin and Robert continued to play together. 2001´- Clas joined the group and Petter Lobell wrote some songs to the guys. Later they made a new CD called "Här & nu". With mixed Swedish and english songs.
    Group Members
    Songwriter, Vocals, Instruments: Martin Hägglund (19), Songwriter, Vocals: Robert Andersson (19), Vocals, Songwriter: Clas Ekeroos (22).
    Yamaha, Morgan, Fenix, Bjärton and Samson guitars, Roland Xp-30, Steinway & Sons Grand piano and drums.
    Sången vid vattnet - Emandarrs 1999 (Pilot Productions) Här & Nu - Emandarrs 2001 (Pilot Productions)
    Press Reviews
    --The Emandarrs----- --It Was Just a Kiss---- In the magazine Mp3x: Swedes take it easy Swedish band Emandarrs is made up of singer/songwriting partners Martin Hägglund and Robert Andersson. Admittedly, you don't get many artists from Sweden recording easy listening tracks, yet on the strength of this particular song, perhaps more of their fellow countrymen should follow in their footsteps. Maybe it's something in the water around Linkoping. You'd be forgiven for being a little dubious before giving this one a try, as it could quite easily lose something in the translation. Indeed, if you go and check out the story behind the song, you'll probably find yourself even more confused than before. Writing on their site, the guys explain "This song is recorded in PILOT Studio in 2000. Pilot Studio is our studio and it works fine!" Yeah, thanks for the insight there, lads. Overlook the slightly less than revealing background to this track, and you'll find yourself quite enjoying it. Sure, it's fairly innocuous stuff and certainly won't change the music world, but this is easy listening after all. If you're after a simple, unchallenging song that you can put on in the background and mellow out to, then this one will do the job just fine. Add to that the fairly universal theme of love that the song centres around and you've got a perfect mix for easy listening. -------------------In Swedish----- Emandarrs är en trio från Linköping (Sturefors för att vara exakt) som spelar ballader. Det är märkligt svårt att hitta hörvärda Linköpingsgrupper, men när jag letade genom Linköpingssidan på så var Emandarrs en av de som stod ut, med bättre sångröster än de flesta och inte samma gamla leka-med-synthen-stuk som de flesta kör med. Namnet är, på samma sätt som "Mama Viol", en lek med medlemmarnas initialer. Temat, mest kärlek är kanske inte så orginellt, men hanteras bra. De blandar svenska och engelska texter, och liksom de andra affischnamnen skriver de allt själva. Sättningen är tre röster och en gitarr. En betydande del av publiken hade kommit för att höra dem. /Ingemar Ragnemalm, Musikcafé, Elsas hus, Linköping 4 april 2000.
    Linkoping - Sweden

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