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    Artist description
    A Single "sad but true", White Man "Being White is not all it's cracked up to be, most people sterotype you as a hatefull person. I dont blame them , but I also dont hate so I'm MonoType I guess." A stero Joke! Anyways I been playing music for a very long time but just started electronic about 7 years ago. I've always used to computer to make the music, but recently I've spun a little record or two just to get the feel of it.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Lucas , Trance for Dance , Dezmix , DJ Joel Light and Dj Ellroy.
    Similar Artists
    Everything I've ever heard has influenced my sound. But I'm not an idea snatcher.
    Artist History
    Well it all started out when I was 15, One of my friends was like 21 at the time and he would go to raves and places i couldnt go. He would also bring back underground house music, wich I had never heard before. So the only way I could get my own hands on electronic music was to buy soundtracks, at the time i didnt really know that that stuff was mainstream and was halfcheesy so finally when i got on the net, about 2 years ago I would surf around looking for great electronic music and boy did i find some great music. I came to and found Lucas, downloaded Need for Speed and sense that was the #1 song at the time and play'dit like 20 times in a row til i hated it but i still enjoy it every once in a while but to make a long story short I always felt that in every electronic song except for a Lucas song was missing somthing some sound or beat so that drove me to make my own. Im still learning all about mixing but i like it and promise to work hard and bring you the best i can do.
    Group Members
    PC, FruityLoops 3, Rebirth 2.0 and VSTi
    Press Reviews
    Low-Fi Play Deplete's quality, of sounds you are meant to hear. Starting Electronic Music scene in downtown Alton,IL. Across from Lincoln , Douglas : Square "Monument" on Market street. Everyone from surrounding areas welcome! Just bring your enjoyment for electronic music, Happy vibes "or good vibes" and $5.00 at the door. The money is for a Pro Dj's that will play there. "Pro" meaning has play'd at commercial party, "huge flyer party". We will also have aspiring artists "like myself" who have not play'd at a commercial party, "big deal, I look at it as an art form. Otherwise I'd be playin my hand drums and guitar for life. So seeya somtime soon, around early to late August will update with info and link, if troubled email me! Peace..
    Additional Info
    ASAFP , I will rock
    Bethalto, IL - USA

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