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    Artist description
    THE NOD produce electronic pop stamped through to the core with their own distinctive signature. They aim for a more organic and spontaneous feel than you might expect: mixing in distortion, live keyboards and effect modulation; preferring rough edges and that certain feel to overpolished and ultimately lifeless, mathematical perfection.
    Music Style
    laid back, leftfield electronic pop
    Musical Influences
    Kraftwerk, StereoLab, Portishead
    Artist History
    The spontaneity extends to their initial meeting. “Want to be in a band” were Pete's first words to Kate when he stumbled across her singing in an office reception to keep her spirits up during a soul-destroying temping job. Kate has enough energy to power a small city and puts this to good use with soaring vocals, dripping with emotion. The pair have been recording, arguing and gigging now for a couple of years and will release a CD of 10 songs on their own label on June 9th 2003. As for the electronic tag, Pete freely admits to having a museum of analogue synthesisers and curious tape loop echo devices. Thank you Ebay! These are coaxed into tune, sampled, stripped down and generally messed up to produce the unique NOD sound. Despite the technology, it's the songs that come first – a decent melody and lyrics are far more important to THE NOD than having this week's fashionable bleep sound or label. Sometimes sideways and leftfield, sometimes head on and in your face: they're not afraid to tackle urban life or relationships and the emotional baggage that follows in their wake. Be it joy, uncertainty or pain there's a resonance in the lyrics that people who have been there will recognize. Before you know it, they'll have reached inside, grabbed your heartstrings and given them the twanging of a lifetime. In the late nineties Pete co-ran the SOFA ambient club and released an ambient/chill-out/electronic easy listening CD entitled Great Lift Journeys of Norwich which as the name may suggest, did include some lift journeys. Some of these late night listening influences can be heard in the more laid back moments of the album.
    London, EnglanD - United Kingdom

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