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    Artist description
    Production Team and Full-Service Music Company
    Artist History
    Fertile Crescent Music Company was started in 1993 by Brainstorm and DJ Polaris in a small "studio" apartment at Howard University in Washington, D.C. This musical partnership primarily began as a production team destined to compose original music and also educate through music. These 2 musicians attracted other artists who were drawn to "their sound" and ability to produce. This attraction allowed them in the summer of 1993 to expand their business to Fort Wayne, IN, where both were born and raised. For many years, they maintained a base of operations in Washington, D.C. and in Fort Wayne, IN before completely moving to Fort Wayne in 1997. Over the years, Fertile Crescent Music Company (formerly known as Original School Productions) has grown and evolved, yet it continues to maintain its determined idea - to compose original music and educate through music. The F. C. Production Team has produced tracks for numerous independent artists from hip-hop to r&b, all the way to new age... some of which are now marketed and promoted through Fertile Crescent's many music ventures. The F. C. Music Co. has sponsored poetry, music, and art events, along with hosting artist showcases and mini-concerts. Fertile Crescent Artists have opened for national concerts and entertainers, performed for university homecomings, participated in various cultural programs, and also performed in shows for non-profit organizations. From the Fertile Crescent Music Studios, the staff not only writes and produces music for its "in-house" artists and outside projects, but also composes commercial jingles and offers a full DJ service. The F.C. Staff "tailors" its sound to fit the occasion, exhibiting a working knowledge of music history and composition that transcends generational, cultural, and genre lines. This knowledge and expertise has further enabled Fertile Crescent to give educational lectures on music and the business of music. As it grows and changes, the company's music continues to be original and its endeavors educational. From its inception back in 1993, right up until today and beyond, Fertile Crescent Music Company strives hard to offer "the best sound in music."
    Group Members
    various artists and musicians
    Fort Wayne, IN - USA

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