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    Artist description
    ElectroViolet is an original creation consisting of synthesized beats and music, haunting vocals and powerful lyrics.
    Music Style
    Industrial Electronica
    Musical Influences
    Bjork, NIN, Beck, The Cure, many others
    Similar Artists
    Same as musical influences.
    Artist History
    Electroviolet played and sang with many bands around New York but nothing was clicking. "The music was good. It had potential. But after hours of rehearsals it just wasn't progressing. Maybe it was a personality issue. I just knew we weren't reaching our potential and I needed time to assess what I really wanted." After a long run as a keyboardist with a band called Experimental Drug, Electroviolet called it quits and re-grouped moving to Boston and getting a job at an alternative radio station. "I was completely broke. My friend just bought a house and let me crash for a month. The station provided me with the cash to pay the bills and gave me an opportunity to learn about marketing and also get a sense for what was out there in the industry . It was cool for a while and I did meet a few people who had a clue. The music just started going down hill. I can't relate to the music industry right now. Everything is shiny and glittery and full of nothing. It's all too remi-niscent of the mainstream in the 80's. I want to create something different and intelligent and angry. I guess all I know for sure is I have something to say and I'll continue to jump and scream until someone listens."
    Group Members
    ElectroViolet is a one-woman show.
    Loops, synths, vocals
    The Rage
    Press Reviews
    The project is too new.
    Boston, MA - USA

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