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    Artist description
    Aletheian (CRUtCH) is a central Pennsylvania based metal band that combines elements of technical, european, and melodic metal; and hopes to bring a fresh sound and a positive message of Hope to a dark, dry scene.
    Music Style
    Technical Melodic Death Metal
    Musical Influences
    Death, Carcass, Dillinger Escape Plan, Meshuggah, Cynic, Shadows Fall, In Flames, Extol, Believer
    Similar Artists
    Death, Carcass, Dillinger Escape Plan, Meshuggah, Cynic, Shadows Fall, In Flames, Extol, Believer
    Artist History
    Crutch has been around since 1997. In October of 1999, they went through a major transformation in their sound while acquiring two new members. In 2003, Crutch had yet another major line-up change, adding a new bass player and drummer and starting to tour for the first time. Due to the changes, Crutch decided to change their name to ALETHEIAN. Crutch has played with bands such as Cephalic Carnage, Biohazard, Antithesis, Withered Earth, Disgorge, Sever the Fallen, Zao, Living Sacrifice, Tantrum of the Muse
    Group Members
    Alex Kenis - Harmony Guitar Donny Swigart - Melody Guitar Joel Thorpe - Vocals Travis Wagner- Bass Guitar Joe Walmer- Percussion
    ...hope prevails
    Press Reviews
    The following is a review of the album as printed in MetalManiacs Magazine: "CRUTCH is a critically phenomenal metal concoction from central Pennsylvania. First, you're greeted by traditional techinical metal before Latino melodious guitar jams and scientific thrash right into the sickest of modern metalcore. And we're only 30 seconds in! '... Hope Prevails' is the implausibly incredible debut, a debut that flows through eras of metal history like there's no tomorrow. This is the gem of the issue! From the first listen, anyone with a sense of creativity in their metal blood will be floored by Crutch's mind-boggling blend of metals. Death seems to be their chief influence, Schuldiner their obvious guitar muse, but the way the songs in general are prearranged, there's piles of modern metalcore blended throughout, along with insane offtime breakdowns. Mainly though, it's pure technological metal, from progressive time signatures and melodic perfection, to lightning-quick riffing and heavier-than-Satan-himself kill segments, to the now ever-present At T! he Gates influence, these guys cover it all. The production is immaculate for a demo and everything is clocked in at just the right time. If you dig the metallic hardcore thrash of Skycamefalling, the breakdowns and timing of Meshuggah, and the genious of Death all around, this will please you. They're just too f**king good." -METAL MANIACS July 2002 Vol. 19, No 5.
    Harrisburg, PA - USA

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