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    Artist description
    Being born in the golden age of rock, D.T. Coilley got his primary music degree at the beginning of eighties. Since then he has been involved in music, more or less intensively, for over twenty years. He can not, and even does not want to, deny both the above mentioned mainstreams that have deeply affected his style and attitude towards music. As life went on, he has suddenly found himself in the world of science. Despite of this, he has remained permanently allured with music and art in general, which he still believes to be the most creative human activity. One of his more productive periods was at the end of eighties, when he was intensively performing with acoustic band Peter Klepec. At the beginning of nineties, he changed his mind and decided to give up live performance. The time for more intimate and personal creations emerged. He pulled back to round up many musical fragments that have accumulated through years. Until then there had never been enough time (and will) to produce at least rough forms from those fragments, not to mention giving them any final touch. D.T. Coilley is now devoted to composing and recording. During the last decade he made two projects, Reflections and Parallel Spaces. Each of them took roughly six years. Well, some things simply can’ t go faster as they do and time is a very merciless judge. But right because of this it gives sense to all dimensions that our lives consist of. Oh, it is not only time, there is also music, of course. Music that makes all of us rich, music, that is a joy, worth sharing.
    Music Style
    Classical, Rock, Country
    Musical Influences
    From J.S.Bach to Eagles and Boston.
    Guitars & Keyboards
    Reflections, Parallel Spaces
    LJUBLJANA, SI - Slovenia

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