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    Artist description
    K.H.E.M. as I would describe...they are refreshing to the ear,...silly yet so serious it brings tears to your eye.... "Project 360 as I would describe is a concept anticipated by the artist as well as the spectator...filled with intrigue and so all comes out particular genre if you asked is labeled as hip-hop just for the sake of classification....yet I believe that...there are only 2 types of music....GOOD....AND BAD....K.H.E.M. without somewhat of a phenom....the Omega. Time reveals..."IT WILL COME TO LIGHT". 7-29-01.....Keep watching.....
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Existence+TRIBE- Mystery+JIMI HENDRIX -Situations+US
    Similar Artists
    Tribe,Roots,Slum Village,Pharcyde,Ultramagnetic,JBs',De La Soul,That cat around the block who was the illest but never came out,KHEMYSTERY
    Artist History
    Aquaman and Aychell joined forces to combine as "KHEM" in early 1992. During that time until now "KHEM" has been keeping themselves somewhat of a secret for the sole purpose of growing mentally,physically, spiritually...and for your listening pleasure,..musically Aquaman and Aychell have been providers of beats and such for local DC acts such as particular members of "The Infinite Loop",and "The Amphibians". Past and somewhat present affiliations also with DC's "Freestyle Union"...Kokayi,Sub-Z and Black Indian of "Opus Akoben"...and a host of other local talent. Aychell of "KHEM" has gained credibility for such lo-key production as Mobb Deeps' "SCAM" the upcoming Violator V2 compilation album available July,24th,2001. Currently working with Johnathan "Lighty" Williams of Violator management on his new venture..."THE OUTFIT". Watch this team VERY closely for it is gauranteed that they are on the rise... Other dates and such will be provided in the future,..... If you would like to inquire about project 360 and how you can possibly key in on this project contact KHEM directly at while the opportunity lasts. 6-7-01 (image submitted by KHEMYSTERY) DOWNLOAD MUSIC E.T. (Now you know) (4.70 MB) Feelin' Low...Gettin' High (F.L.G.H.) (3.00 MB) To You??? (3.15 MB) Before downloading songs, you must accept this legal agreement
    Group Members
    K.ey H.olders of E.ternal M.ystery ...Also known as KHEMYSTERY. These producers/MC/ intrumentalist/ themselves Aquaman and Aychell
    Press Reviews
    Ak and I are like...sonic-soulmates" says Aychell. Whom also declares that "The industry is BLASPHEMY!!!....I feel like I'm f*ckin' Van Gogh or some f*ckin' body!...Gotta jump off a bridge for people to hear what I wanna convey...after I'm dead and gone...then they're like...""Oh...NOW I GET IT!!!"" Khemystery as a duo.... managed to gain a vast notariety in the "underground music scene"...being hailed for their theatre-like performances on stage..(YOU'VE GOT TO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF!!!) But they quickly broke out of that mold and propelled themselves into a world all their own... Hence "Project 360"..."You've heard of a movie without a soundtrack?"...asks Aychell..."Well this is the soundtrack without the movie...the soundtrack to your life....2 years in creating the storyline you know we gotta come correct with the sound!" I listened to a few tracks that they have done recently....they are all like scenes....some will make it..others will be cut....but rest assured that the final product will be amazing. And I can vouch for that...KHEM is about midway through completion of this project and are now preparing to make their presence known via internet and all other forms of marketing. After my breif chat with Aychell I had to ask if there was any meaning behind the eclipse..and his response was a little more introspective than I expected..."That eclipse...see...people might think like..'Oh,,,theses cats are on some mystic beverage sh*t'... when actually.... that eclipse represents me....Back in 96-98....I went through the darkest time of my life....a depression of some if the sun did'nt shine....that eclipse represents my light at that point in my life....shit is personal....that eclipse was I...But you see...the light is not's just some b*llshit in the way....the light STILL shine through....the eclipse I use as of today because still i haven't escaped that darkness...but no matter....IT WILL COME TO LIGHT) Written 6/3/01 by: Rasheem L. Shakur
    washington, DC - USA

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