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    Artist description
    Mostly guitar driven, excessive basslines, some angsty, some funny... Kids seem to dig it.
    Music Style
    Boy raised by guitar playing wolves gets reintroduced into society
    Musical Influences
    XTC, Squeeze, Femmes, DXM, Tom Lehrer, Beatles, Living Color, Moxy Fruvous, John Williams, Blake Babies, Yes, Atari, Van Gogh
    Similar Artists
    XTC Elvis Costello Robyn Hitchcock Violent Femmes Beatles Squeeze Joe Jackson DXM Dan Bern Jonathon Richman
    Artist History
    I've been writing and recording and playing in bands for 15 years. Started on guitar, switched to bass, back to guitar, bass, guitar, bass... In the interim learned keys and drums and someother things just so I could record my own songs without the band laughing at me. This new solo project will be massive, meandering, and a must-have for every record collection... if only as a cautionary example.
    Group Members
    David O. Storm. Bass, guitar, keys, vocals, melodica, violin, percussion, drums, tin whistle, and anything else that can be struck, strummed, plucked or hummed.
    Bass, guitar, keys, vocals, melodica, violin, percussion, drums, tin whistle, and anything else that can be struck, strummed, plucked or hummed.
    Songs from the Sofa, I've Got A Butterfly, Dig, Tearjerker and others (home demos).
    Press Reviews
    Oh oh good! Hey there. Thank buddha! A song that doesn't suck. Even one that is really quite good. But, the vocal melody doesn't do the rest of the song justice. Reminds me of some 80s blandness. Pleasant sing-a-long style is not what this song needs. Not saying it should be unpleasant or anything, but maybe a bit more quirky, to match the music. Loose the solo too I think. Hope this helps. Take care. - GordonZoom Tokyo, Japan Polly want a KRACKER? The vocals are very well blended and I like the song, it's over content is good. It is catchy and you guys sound like Uncle Kracker. You guys sound good! - solidgroundband Winchester, Virginia Cool chant sounding song. Sounds like you guys did a good job producing and recording. Instruments are all solid. A decent song. The part I liked the most was the very low bass solo at the very, very end. - Manolin Chino, California HEHEHE Alright, so this is funny. The musicianship is great despite the comedy nature of the song. The performance, recording, and mixing are all done great, too. The lyrics definately is great, but the actual melody and the composition may not be the most captivating. - Benkay Vincennes, Indiana Ultra cheesy! Man, this is too corny for me, sorry. Sounds like a show tune, this is ready for Broadway. Performance is fine, as is the recording and overall production. - MrKnobs Austin, Texas I think we'll see this guy on the 10 o'clock news! The overall performance on this song. I certainly think the harmonies are cool. You don't find many bands with abilities to do that. I think the melody is pretty cool as well. Not usually my cup of tea, but nothing I would diss. I think it sounds a lot like a Barenaked Ladies tune. By the way, I love my mom! - smg1 Nashville, Tennessee "Play more happy tunes" - Note passed to me at my last gig "I really like that one song you did..." - adoring fan "Play Thanks A Lot Mom again" - Deb
    Additional Info
    Anyone who listens to my music gets a virtual hug.
    Cincinnati, OH - USA

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