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    Artist description
    The Anomaly is not a band, but actually a radio program made up of invisible waves that shoot through the air at dangerously impetuous speeds. The Anomaly plays the modern rock music that deserves to get radio play, but is ignored by commercial stations who seem to play the same six songs by the same talentless punk wannabes. We also get some type of strange pleasure from being jackasses on public display. To that end, we talk a lot, and are providing these comedic shorts from our program for you to download.
    Music Style
    Sketch Comedy
    Musical Influences
    porno, lepers, ill-tempered sea bass, monkeys, alcohol, alcoholic monkeys, music of the 70's 80's and 90's, exploding lemmings, and... oh, classical Italian opera
    Similar Artists
    Monty Python (except not British), MadTV (except on the radio), and Saturday Night Live (except funny)
    Artist History
    Formed from the ashes of fallen Europe (or two local guys that were bored), The Anomaly was created with the noble purpose to wipe away the sludge and mindless, pre-packaged, intellectually-emaciated corporate dregs of modern commercial rock radio and provide a single, shining program worth listening to. We failed. Miserably. I mean, it's f*ing pathetic.
    Group Members
    Mike is like an orangutan. He is short, hairy, and usually playing with his balls, and he thinks nary a wit about throwing his feces. Rodger is like a priest who is sodomizing a bride before the ceremony in the parish house while he swigs off a half-empty bottle of Jack and wipes the sweat from his anarchy tattoos as Alice Cooper spits blood on a video on TV. i.e. -- morally bereft with a twisted and not quite appropriate sense of irony. (at least for the purposes of public entertainment)
    a guitar and a dream.... ok, no guitar.
    Testicular Homicide
    Press Reviews
    We ARE the press. Therefore, nobody reviews us. I guess we'll just have to be content in telling you what to think. We control your very thoughts and opinions; we are the media. You are getting sleepy. Bow to us.
    Newark, DE - USA

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