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    Artist description
    It's not really a band persay, there are some guest appearances on keyboards, drums, guitar, and bass. But beyond that it's mostly all me. I am currently a local artist, 18, living on my own, and surviving off canned food. The local techno scene is nill to shit. So I am expanding my horizens to the internet once again. Email me if you want to know anything else.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Slipknot,Moby,KoRn,Daft Punk,Eminem,Dre,Ludacris,Tool,Marylin Manson, NIN, and many, many more.
    Similar Artists
    I think the music has it's own voice, such as human beings do. But if I were to compare it to a known artist it would be NiN and Radiohead in a blender. You be the deciding party.
    Artist History
    Used to be called Psychotic Symphany, and I had another full time member, John. We since have parted ways beings our music is just too differant. We did some radio shows, and put out a cd in support, which did mildly well. Afterword I released the first Twitch cd, e-mo+ion locally, and let a few tracks slip into mp3 form. Currently the follow up to e-mo+ion will be released in the near future. This will be the cd that I am going to send out to record exec's so I am putting ten times the effort into it then the first.
    Group Members
    Turntable, drum machine, drum set, bass guitar, bass synth, keyboards, electric guitar, a beat up garage door, and my voice.
    Press Reviews
    Only one KQRX 95.1-"This sound that he has created is not only unique, but mind numbing. It's like being locked in a tractor beam. I'm not sure where I'm going with it, but I'm definately going, and I like it. definately worth checking out."
    Additional Info
    floating around somewhere:)
    midland, texas - USA

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