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The People vs

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    Artist description
    One bass-mauling Ape, one three-armed drummer, and two other guys. We like a tight, live sound... but a little dirt in the mix never did anything except add more flavour. Sweaty funk in a small, crowded room is just right.
    Music Style
    Funk, for lack of a better term
    Musical Influences
    funk urgency, jazz exploration, reggae vibes, hip hop groove, electronic innovation, and folk raw.
    Similar Artists
    None. Wait... that's lame. There are probably tons of bands out there that sound like us, I just don't know of any. If you do, let us in on it.
    Artist History
    The band has been making music together since 1996. Following the small scale release of a self-produced, self-titled demo, "The People vs Funk" in 1999, the debut album "Ultrasound" is the product of a year spent learning and maturing in many respects, including musically. It showcases a new diversity and a deeper, more developed sound that stays true to the original mandate of raw, diverse, live groove.
    Group Members
    Adam Ape on bass, James Hill on guitar and vocals, Eddy Current on guitar, keyboards, and vocals, and The Tribologist on drums and percussion. Appearances also by DJ Pumpkin on turntables and P-Terry on penny whistle and saxophone.
    basses, guitars, drums, voices, percussion, and a little keyboard. Sometimes turntables, saxophone and penny whistle too.
    'The People vs. Funk'(out of print 1999 demo release), 'Ultrasound'(2000)
    Press Reviews
    Read some samples of what users have said about the music. Thanks for the support, comments, and suggestions: "When's your next gig? You let me know, I bring five friends and a jiffy marker so you can sign my girlfriend's boobs." Thanks. "I really dig your style. You katz know how to jam." Cool, yo."...old school, classic, quality funk." Yeah, the old school is a big influence, but so is the new..."Just wanted to wish you well and say that I really dug your jams." That just makes my day.A sincere thank you to all those who take time to send email. It's really appreciated.
    Additional Info
    Here are some bands that we support and respect: D'Angelo (althought his infulence might not be too obvious, it is deeply felt), artists Soulive (very funky on many levels) and Mother Funk Conspiracy (who needs lyrics?). Also check out my friends Flannel Jimmy on Nettwerk Records. See links page for addresses to these fine outfits...
    Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada

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