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    Artist description
    Sarax is an experimental rock trio which is constantly striving for new ideas and concepts to be incorporated to rock music./Sarax es un trio de rock experimental que esta constantemente buscando incorporar elementos nuevos al rock.
    Music Style
    Experimental Rock
    Musical Influences
    King Crimson, Univerz Zero, Mr. Bungle, Primus, John Zorn, Frank Zappa, Rush, Stravinsky, Edgard Varese....
    Similar Artists
    Mr. Bungle, Primus, King Crimson, John Zorn, Frank Zappa, Praxis, Rush, Naked City, Univers Zero, Edgard Varese, Igor Stravinsky, Forever Einstein, Art Zoid, Magma, Metallica, Faith No More
    Artist History
    Sarax was formed in 1995 in Santiago, Chile by bass player Demetrio Cifuentes. Shortly after, guitarrist Marcelo Larenas and drummer/keyboardist Pablo Velasco joined to form an experimental trio. In 1997 we recorded Fecula bi Corporea, which was entirely recorded, mixed and produced by ourselves in Sonus studios. Between December of 1999 and March of 2000, we completed our 2nd LP titled "Ejecucion", released late last year and now being distributed by Musea and Cuneiform Records among many others. We are currently in the process of finishing our third studio album, which will be completely recorded and mixed at Westlake Studios in LA. It presents a new and renovated sound and will be released later this year./ Sarax fue formado en 19 95 en Santiago, Chile por el bajista Demetrio Cifuentes. Poco despues se unieron a el Marcelo Larenas en la guitarra y Juan Pablo Velasco en bateria y teclados para formar un trio experimental. En 1997 grabamos Fecula bi Corporea, que fue grabado y mezclado por nosotros en estudios Sonus. Entre Diciembre de 1999 y Marzo del 2000, completamos nuestro segundo LP, "Ejecucion", lanzado en Diciembre del 2000 y ahora siendo distribuido por Musea y Cuneiform Records entre otros. En estos momentos nos encontramos trabajando en nuestro tercer disco, completamente grabado y mezclado en los estudios Westlake Audio en LA. Este disco trae una renovada propuesta de Sarax con una produccion de primer nivel. Estara disponible a fines del 2003.a
    Group Members
    Marcelo Larenas, Demetrio Cifuentes, Juan Pablo Velasco, Nicolas Figueroa
    Guitars, Bass, Drums, Keys, Voices, Sound FX...
    Fecula bi Corporea (1997), Ejecucion (2000), 570.Kythera (2003)
    Press Reviews
    "Very convincing heavy progressive with great musicians and very professional production. Destined to become internationally known. Its style is King Crimson after having heard and enjoyed and adapted Ruins. John Zorn should listen to these fellows. They call their style experimental progressive rock. One short moment of still very structured madness flows as attractively into more atmospheric but still experimental progressive rock guitar compositions of chamber music rock (-RIO as lot of people prefer to call it-). This heavy and well composed chamber music (a bit like Happy Family at times, but not often that heavy ; "Kovyankho" and for sure "Vertigo" are more very like Univers Zero, some of the songs which have added modern classic piano) is used more often. The whole concept is a musical translation of the last day before an execution. And it mostly works really like a movie with some violent fears and feeling of imprisonment but at the same time with a pure musical liberation accompaniment. But the chamber piano pieces can't take away the basic layer of very structured violence. I wonder how much is referring to real situations and how much fantasy is reflecting some existing situation somewhere or for sure some time in Chili. All is musically so controlled that you can keep sit down relaxed enough to get the whole picture. This music doesn't need an extra video clip I thought when I heard the last track. But then I realised there was one at the end. An amazingly powerful video convinced me that the music can be even stronger by added images, although it didn't need it at first. A very recommended product."
    Additional Info
    Nicolas Figueroa, Nicolas Angulo, Acid Hamelin, Franco Carroza, Carlos Klein
    Los Angeles, CA - USA

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