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    Artist description
    Cookie play sexy muscle-car rock and sleazy C&W with a glittery flash of metal. They're like some kind of girl-powered roots-rock gone evil; a classic power trio consisting of mariachi guitar god, JayMe LayMe, cycle stud drummer/pyrotechnic genius, Tommy Sparks and their showy front-fox/bassist, Sabrina RockArena. In fact, if Joey Ramone and Patsy Cline had an illegitimate love child, Cookie's fiery front woman would be it.
    Music Style
    Punk Rock
    Musical Influences
    Bands That Rock!
    Similar Artists
    Concrete Blonde, Joan Jett, Patsy Cline, The Muffs, Tilt, Blondie
    Artist History
    Conceived in California's South Bay Area circa 1995, Cookie immediately took to the road with a vengeance. Eight tours, three years and two vans later, RockArena and LayMe found themselves stationed in Seattle, bolstering their street cred with the addition of cycle stud Sparks on drums. In addition to his hard-hitting drum style, the appropriately named Sparks brings a genius for homemade pyrotechnics to the band's arsenal. There's no arguing with the fact that Cookie literally boasts one of the most explosive live shows around.
    Group Members
    Sabrina RockArena-Bass/Vocals,Jayme LayMe-Guitar,Tommy Sparks-Drums
    Electric guitars, bass, drums, vocals.
    Press Reviews
    "Nearly every song here has a sharply drawn chorus and a melody that permanently sticks to the brain on impact. There's a lot here for college and modern rock radio programmers to grab onto and needles to say, this is a wise option for A & R execs to explore. " - "Billboard Magazine" " Do you hate people who say "You go, girl"? Spit on insecure femmes who talk about their inner goddesses? Have you been yearning for the sonic equivalent of a shot of adrenaline straight into the heart? But from a tough-ass rocker-chick frontwoman instead of a greasy guy? Me, too. This CD holds the answers. " - "JANE Magazine" 3.5 out of 4 stars! "I could go on and on about how great this CD is, but know one thing: I get a lot of music for review and rarely does a CD actually stay in my CD player for more than a week...Cookie's "Sweat-Soaked & Satisfied" is moving into my permanent collection and hopefully yours soon. Don't let it pass ya by..." - "The New Digital Report" 10 out of 10 stars!
    Additional Info
    COOKiE's latest studio effort Sweat-Soaked & Satisfied was recorded by none other than the legendary Conrad Uno, whose previous work with bands like Presidents Of The USA, Mudhoney, Zeke, Nashville Pussy and The Supersuckers made him the ideal candidate to capture Cookie’s ferocious yet hooky sound.
    Seattle, WA - USA

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