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    Artist description
    DJ LMK? What kind of a name is that? Well it is actually a very simple story. Using my AOL Instant Messanger I would always have these wierd names like aznboi888 or takeoutkid. When I finally accounted a name I would stick to for the next two years was "LiquidKid77". The name grew on me and when I heard about and officially becoming an artist I decided on the name "Liquid Kid". After a couple of months, I decided the name was dull. It was a simple name and recieves very little attention from those who see it. I changed the name around and came up with the initials LK. It was still dull so I added the M, which no one knows the meaning of in between it. SO here it is, LMK stands for.... L is Liquid M is Matthew K is Kid Put them together and you have DJ LMK Well into the real autobiography. I started my interest in music when I was 6 year old and I was forced to play the piano. Stupid piano lessons. I continued to take these lessons until I was 12, when I got lazy and quit. At this point I stopped music all together. I didn't play the piano or even listened to any music. Not too long ago, about 2-3 years ago, I attended the Asian Lunar Year assembly in my school. They played a song that I never heard before. The song was "Better Off Alone" by Alice Deejay. I knoe I know the song is old now, but it was good then. This song introduced me to trance. I started downloading from many artists and dj's I had no idea exsisted. By the next month, I was known as a trance freak. I started to want to make my own music, but I had no idea how. I could not afford the equipment and I could not just figure things out. Instead of actually making my own music I started to mimic the songs on piano. Impressing my friends, I would play songs like better off alone, heart of asia, sound of machines, out of the blue, and many other trance classics. After aquiring the styles of so many songs, I realized that not only were all these songs similar, they were built in the same way. i found a program online "Fruity Loops" and I composed my first song "Heavy Melody". Today I have released much different and much more elaborate songs such as "Heavy Melody 2001" "Feel the Beat" and "Transcending Reality (Part II)" Though i am only a computer DJ at the moment, My dream is to buy a keyboard and start to professionally produce some trance songs. Right now, my songs continue to sound bland and techno slanted. I hope to change that someday. The end...or is it?
    Music Style
    Melodic Trance
    San Francisco, California - USA

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