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    Artist description
    Grave is a new generation of electronic music, featuring the hyperdrive combination of all known electronic genres for today and compilation synthetic and acoustic sounds. Grave was born in 1997, when the first track, Grave Music (The Theme) was written and released by Mospehraict. It was a try to make something unusual and not obvious, odd and strange, never heard before. It was a try of a tired man of hearing almost the same old tracks every day to hear something else. And it succeeded. In 1998 two new tracks were released. The first was also tracked by Mospehraict and was named Hell. Then Kaiser joined Grave Motion with his remix Hell 2, in which he showed the true dedication to such style of music and the ability to track decent tracks. For now Kaiser is an active participant in Grave Motion. In 1999 our first album was released: The Silence. Some tracks were tracked alone by Mospehraict or Kaiser, but the most of them are a result of Grave Motion members collaboration. Grave is not intended for easy listening. It features unique combination of "noncombinable" genres in music, often sounding strange, difficult to listen, long, but never usual. It demands you to truly listen to the music and only then you will find yourself entering the land of Grave. Grave is not intended to be a popular music among the masses. It's not intended to use as dance, as relax nor any other type of music. It's only intended to live its own life despite of the outer world. And you may either understand it or not. But if you do, you will surely find a truly new music in contrast of so very easy listening usual music heard everyday. Grave Motion is not a band. It's a non-profit organisation of humans with similar musical thoughts. So everybody can join and participate in our Motion towards the land of Grave. The grave is the final destination of every human life despite you may not like it. It's when all worlds prejudices end. Grave Music is the music that ends all prejudices and starts from the soul, not from brain thinking about bucks. Grave can be anything you want. You're free to experiment. Just listen to what your soul sounds like. I choose not to choose musical genres. I choose Grave. It's out of genre. It's just what your soul sounds like.
    Music Style
    Experimental Electronic, Ambient, Trance, Hardcore, RAP, MC, Hip-Hop, Rapcore
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    Artist History
    The founders of Grave are Mospehraict and Kaiser. The first two tracks - Grave Music and Hell were tracked by Mospehraict. Then the first remix Hell 2 was done by Kaiser. From that time Kaiser is an active tracker of Grave Motion. Mospehraict and Kaiser are 18-year old students of Physical Department of the Moscow State University, Russia. We have finished the 548 Moscow High School in 2000 year. 548 is the greatest school of the Universe! You've got to see it!
    Group Members
    mospehraict kaiser
    FT2, MPT, WaveLab and a microphone
    The Silence, To Die In Moscow
    Moscow, N/A - Russia

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