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Royalty-Free Beats !!!

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    Artist description
    Professional royalty-free hip hop instrumentals. All kinds of different beats.
    Music Style
    Hip Hop / Rap Instrumentals
    Artist History
    I produce hip hop music on the side for you emcees out there who are on a tight budget and can't afford $200 or more per beat. I try to help you out getting your career started or advance it further by making original and professional music that will give you the attention you deserve. All instrumentals are CD quality (burn my free downloads into a CD and compare them for yourself). I don't take royalties even if you succeed because you'll put my name on the credits anyway, so it's a fair deal since this will give my name some exposure. You will notice that my beats are completely different from each other so there's a beat for everyone's taste. From grim tracks to mainstream beats, you'll find'em all here. And there's more fresh new beats to come! Also, if a beat goes platinum, I will completely remove that beat from my website, including my CDs.
    Additional Info
    Alot of people are afraid to use my beats because they think that there is like 500 others artists with the same beats on their albums and demos. But that's not the case. Most people who buy my CDs use my beats for fun, demos, freestyles, or for local projects. Others, listen to my beats just because they are curious to hear what music I have. In fact, the vast majority of the people who listen to my beats are other producers themselves. They want to hear who they are competing against and such. So go ahead and listen to a few tracks, I'm sure you'll enjoy them. And plus, you never know.......You might be the first to hit platinum!!!
    Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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